justine_thg吧 关注:4贴子:133
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IP属地:北京1楼2016-01-26 11:22回复
    Nightmares attacked again.
    Clark Kent AKA “Superman” stirredrestlessly in the bed. Yet again, he seemed to stand next to his baby-self watchinghis planet burning into a huge fireball…
    Warm sunlight shining into the room, Clarkwaked up with energy running through his veins. Slowly opening his eyes, hesprang to his feet in a sudden. What…the…fuck?
    The room was in such a mess, things seemedbe flying everywhere, and he found his favorite checked shirt was torn intopieces!
    Bit by bit, his sense returned back to him.Hmm… Last night he should been interviewing [alright here I want some…] the sonof Gotham, Mr. Wayne. But… OMG, he had been sleeping with Wayne instead. Or… hehad been fucked? Everything was blurry.
    Remembering the scene of last night, Clark’sface went all red. It was a feeling he could never forget, how Wayne’s tongue invadedhis mouth, how his clothes were all torn away… how he… push his dick into him. Ohman.
    [since I haven’t find…a way to contect]
    It’s batman, “You’re late, Superman.”
    “Maybe he’s doing something important, don’tbe so hard on him.” Wonder woman’s voice came in.
    “Or is he?” Bat’s voice cold and harsh.
    “I will be there in a sec.” Clark replied.

    IP属地:北京2楼2016-01-26 12:54
      okay我得注明几点,1我没找到适合老爷的形容词,2JL是在用什么通信= =我肯定绝对不是cell phone
      3这大概是我写的第一篇b-l 我完全不知道怎么写嗯。。

      IP属地:北京3楼2016-01-26 12:56
        Nightmares attacked again.
        Clark Kent AKA “Superman” stirred restlessly in the bed. Yet again, he seemed to stand right there next to his baby-self watching his planet burning into a huge fire ball....
        Warm sunlight shining into the room, Clark waked up with energy running through his veins. Slowly opening his eyes, hesprang to his feet in a sudden. What…the…fuck?
        The room was in such a mess, things seemedbe flying everywhere, and he found his favorite checked shirt was torn intopieces!
        Bit by bit, his sense returned back to him.Hmm… Last night he should been interviewing the richest man in Gotham, Mr. Wayne. But… well, he had been sleeping with Wayne instead. Or… he had been fucked? Everything was blurry.
        Remembering the scene of last night, Clark’sface went all red. It was a feeling he could never forget, how Wayne’s tongue invadedhis mouth, how his clothes were all torn away… how he… push his dick into him. Ohman. How could I even felt good for this kind of... thing? What is that rich bastard doing to me?
        While Clark was thinking, his reciever start vibrating.
        It’s batman, “You’re late, Superman.”
        “Maybe he’s doing something important, don’t be so hard on him.” Wonder woman’s voice came in.
        “Or is he?” Bat’s voice cold and harsh.
        “I will be there in a sec.” Clark replied.

        IP属地:北京5楼2016-01-29 13:27
          He hanged up. Batman put down the phone, with a smile around his lips.
          "Okay, so now we will start the election for a leader of the League, everyone please take it seriously, this means lot for our future, for the earth's future." Wonder woman annouced solemnly.

          IP属地:北京6楼2016-01-29 13:36

            IP属地:北京7楼2016-01-29 13:36