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【Hollyoaks】160120::连环杀手Silas Blissett回归!!


有看过Stendan支线的HO村民大概对Silas不会陌生, 在2010年, Silas以仁慈老伯的形象来到Hollyoaks, 在表面他是个小报记者, 但暗地里却是一个心狠手辣的连环杀手, 他特别憎恨不懂洁身自爱的女性, 偏偏HO全村的女人都不懂洁身自爱这个词, 因此他透过网上交友约来当年村里的两个角色, 将她们杀害, 其后又杀死Stendan支线要角Rae (Ste的前女友), 并把Rae的死嫁祸到Brendan的身上…
后来他的杀手身份被Lynsey揭发, 但Silas却反过来制造Lynsey疯了的假象, 使全村人都不相信Lynsey,对她避之则吉, 直到2011年万圣节, Silas在绑架着Mercedes的同时, 还打算杀害Lynsey和Texas, 结果却错手杀死了自己的女儿, 终于Lynsey竭而不舍地劝服Silas的家人搜查Silas的房间, 最后终于在Silas衣柜的骨灰罐里发现了众多受害者的物品, 从而揭发了Silas的杀手身份, 让警察成功拘捕Silas并救出Mercedes!

然而在2012年, 在警方把Silas移送到医院进行检查的时候, Silas脱逃了, 他在Lynsey死后再次回归村里, 打算把Texas杀害, 虽然Silas终究没有杀死Texas, 但警方也没能成功再次把他拘捕, 因此他一直都逍遥法外…

直到2016年1月19日E4集, Silas回来了!!

究竟他突然回归是为了什么原因? 他走了之后, 村里人事几番新, 相信很多角色都不会知道他的存在, 不过Mercedes, Theresa, Nancy等旧角都曾经受过Silas的威胁, 到底她们能否说服村里其他人物一起对抗Silas? Silas又会为沉静的HO村里, 以至收视不济的肥皂剧本身带来什么冲击呢?

本楼含有高级字体1楼2016-01-20 15:56回复
    來源: Digital Spy.
    19 JANUARY 2016
    OMG! Hollyoaks just brought back evil serial killer Silas Blissett and we couldn't be more excited
    The legendary villain is back - and on the hunt for the Gloved Hand Killer.

    The exciting soap news just keeps coming this week, with Hollyoaks bringing back one of its best ever villains.
    Evil serial killer Silas Blissett has made a shock return to the Channel 4 show, leaving fans gobsmacked when he reappeared unexpectedly in Tuesday night's E4 first look episode (January 19).
    In scenes which were kept tightly under wraps before transmission, Silas paid a visit to Trevor Royle (Greg Wood) in prison to seek answers over the recent Gloved Hand Killer deaths at Dee Valley Hospital.
    Still morbidly interested in shock murders, it turned out that sinister Silas had been exchanging letters with Trevor, under the guise of a writer who was curious about his case.

    Silas was using the name "Mister E Mann" - or as it reads when you look closely enough, Mystery Man. Yep, still as cunning as ever, then!
    When Silas came face-to-face with Trevor, though, he was bitterly disappointed to find that he'd been wasting his time as the troubled nightclub boss is innocent.
    No closer to getting the details that he craves, Silas could now be forced to return to the Hollyoaks village itself for more answers. Will the local residents be forced to invest in new locks? (Not that locked doors ever stopped him before!)

    One of the most dangerous characters to ever haunt Hollyoaks, Silas was last seen in summer 2012 when he escaped from a psychiatric unit and went on the run.
    His original stint ran from December 2010 to November 2011, when he claimed the lives of India Longford, Rebecca Massey, Rae Wilson and his own daughter Heidi Costello.
    Jeff Rawle, who plays Silas, shot his return scene during some top-secret weekend filming recently. Hollyoaks bosses were keen to keep his comeback as quiet as possible in the build-up to tonight's episode.
    Insiders are also keeping very tight-lipped over the future of Silas's storyline and when we'll see him again, but surely it's only a matter of time before he crosses paths with former target Mercedes and Gloved Hand Killer Lindsey?

    本楼含有高级字体3楼2016-01-20 16:07
      昨晚E4播出Silas跟Lindsey(目前村里的连环杀手)会面的剧情,这样村里两大连环杀手就聚头了!!虽然暂时二人还没有互相展露身份,不过外粉都猜测着以后他们两人会互相帮忙… 其实村里也没剩多少人了,所以他们合力是要为了灭村砍里重练吗?大家就拭目以待好了!


      6楼2016-02-27 12:44