最近一直在学习英语,想创造一点英语的学习氛围,觉得use English frequently can improve English,但我想可能事实是,我的简单英语的表答并不能帮助我提高英语成绩。
今日任务:1.100 new words 2小时without moving
2.listening 3 passages
3.stay in front of the desk without moving for 4 hours study. 14:00-18:00
4.encourage yourself continuously, if you feel terrible about yourself, listen to a song and insist on study,tolerate the loneliness until the tear falling down your face.
5.read 辛雷 article
今日任务:1.100 new words 2小时without moving
2.listening 3 passages
3.stay in front of the desk without moving for 4 hours study. 14:00-18:00
4.encourage yourself continuously, if you feel terrible about yourself, listen to a song and insist on study,tolerate the loneliness until the tear falling down your face.
5.read 辛雷 article