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T19的女儿之一M3,和外婆马琪丽一样,左边脸颊也有叉子样的花纹,因此得名Machli Junior,目前20个月大,是3个幼崽中独立最早的一只,已经成功的完成了独立捕食,并且显示出极强的占有欲,不准同胞弟妹靠近食物,也和母亲T19开战,迫使T19让出一部分领地,T19被迫去找另外2个幼崽一起生活,但也不受待见,看来3个幼崽彻底独立的时候就快到来了!

Arrow head aka Machli Junior
She is the current show stopper of Ranthambore is surely living upto her name quite literally. One of the female cub of T19- the current queen of Ranthambore & grand daughter of legendary tigress Machli, this 20 month teenage princess has all it takes to be the new queen of Ranthambore. Popularly known as Machli Junior or M3 due to similar fork like markings on her left cheek as her grand mother Machli aka T16, this young female is current favourite of all Ranthambore visitors. Bold & confident like other female members of her clan this young female started showing signs of independence at a very early age as she made her first kill at a very early age without help of anyone & decided not to share it with any of the siblings. Time & again there have been instances of showdown with her sister which finally ended up post mother Krishna’s intervention, she did show her displeasure for sure but could do little to stop them, teenage issues perhaps.
Towards end of last season she was always seen at a distance from rest of family & especially her sister. Post beginning of this season there were reports of frequent fights between both the sisters on numerous occasions & she was mostly seen alone around Malik lake on zone 4 covering area till Gular Kui & even fort road. Few days back, Nallu Muthu the famous film maker who has been tracking this clan for more than 5 years filmed a fight sequence between mother & M3 post which the irritated mother left the place. Few minutes later she made a kill on banks of Malik lake & walked all the way till lakkad da area to fetch the other two cubs for sharing the meal but once again she was missing from this reunion.
During last few safaris i have seen her mostly around Malik lake on zone 4 mostly at a distance from other member of her family. Few days back even saw her stalking and finally killing a small piglet after a long chase. Day before yesterday, she walked all they way from fort road till Malik lake in bright afternoon sunlight through tourist vehicles obliging shutter bugs without any signs of discomfort whatsoever.
Would the history repeat itself once again, would take over the lake area from her own mother and current queen Krishna, only time will tell.


1楼2015-10-31 09:33回复
    Sundari ( T17 ) Boy
    T17和T25生的儿子,T17 2013年初被盗猎,阿三收养了当时1岁不到的3个后代,现在已经放生!

    2楼2015-10-31 09:34