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  新生代的明星差不多和自己同一个年纪,艾玛·沃特森25,Justin Bieber 只有20……The celebrities the world idolizes are your age, if not younger. Emma Watson is 21. Justin Bieber is 20. Twenty。

来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-09-20 20:21回复
      自我意识越发觉醒,“老子已经20了!”“我已经21了!”“我18了!成年了!”甚至自怨自艾地感到自己已经老了——虽然还早呢。Realizing that up until, y’know, now, someone being 21 was really old (and cool) and you thought by this point, you’d not feel like a kid still, and yet here you are。

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-09-20 20:22
        自我意识越发觉醒,“老子已经20了!”“我已经21了!”“我18了!成年了!”甚至自怨自艾地感到自己已经老了——虽然还早呢。Realizing that up until, y’know, now, someone being 21 was really old (and cool) and you thought by this point, you’d not feel like a kid still, and yet here you are。

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-09-21 21:13
          新生代的明星差不多和自己同一个年纪,艾玛·沃特森25,Justin Bieber 只有20……The celebrities the world idolizes are your age, if not younger. Emma Watson is 21. Justin Bieber is 20. Twenty。

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2015-09-27 17:39
            自我意识越发觉醒,“老子已经20了!”“我已经21了!”“我18了!成年了!”甚至自怨自艾地感到自己已经老了——虽然还早呢。Realizing that up until, y’know, now, someone being 21 was really old (and cool) and you thought by this point, you’d not feel like a kid still, and yet here you are。

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-09-29 17:10
              新生代的明星差不多和自己同一个年纪,艾玛·沃特森25,Justin Bieber 只有20……The celebrities the world idolizes are your age, if not younger. Emma Watson is 21. Justin Bieber is 20. Twenty。

            来自iPhone客户端6楼2015-10-02 09:31
                自我意识越发觉醒,“老子已经20了!”“我已经21了!”“我18了!成年了!”甚至自怨自艾地感到自己已经老了——虽然还早呢。Realizing that up until, y’know, now, someone being 21 was really old (and cool) and you thought by this point, you’d not feel like a kid still, and yet here you are。

              来自iPhone客户端7楼2015-10-04 22:58
                  自我意识越发觉醒,“老子已经20了!”“我已经21了!”“我18了!成年了!”甚至自怨自艾地感到自己已经老了——虽然还早呢。Realizing that up until, y’know, now, someone being 21 was really old (and cool) and you thought by this point, you’d not feel like a kid still, and yet here you are。

                来自iPhone客户端11楼2015-10-12 22:18
                    自我意识越发觉醒,“老子已经20了!”“我已经21了!”“我18了!成年了!”甚至自怨自艾地感到自己已经老了——虽然还早呢。Realizing that up until, y’know, now, someone being 21 was really old (and cool) and you thought by this point, you’d not feel like a kid still, and yet here you are。

                  来自iPhone客户端12楼2015-10-14 20:22