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IP属地:甘肃30楼2015-09-21 10:24
    事实上,我国古代也有吃人的史实,大家可百度“两脚羊”:宋 庄绰《鸡肋编》卷中:“老瘦男子廋词谓之‘饶把火’,妇人少艾者,名为‘不羡羊’,小儿呼为‘和骨烂’,又通目为‘两脚羊’。” 明 李时珍《本草纲目·人一·人肉》:“古今乱兵食人肉,谓之想肉,或谓之两脚羊。此乃盗贼之无人性者,不足诛矣。”鲁迅《准风月谈·抄靶子》:“ 黄巢造反,以人为粮,但若说他吃人,是不对的,他所吃的物事,叫作‘两脚羊’。”

    IP属地:甘肃32楼2015-09-22 11:08
      http://kotaku.com/how-until-dawn-ended-up-with-a-10-000-page-script-1732405938 发个链接,游戏制作人称until dawn有10000页手稿,感兴趣的可以看看

      IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端36楼2015-09-24 02:53
        Mike and Jess’s cabin romp was responsible for Reznick and Fessenden joining Until Dawn, actually. The two were asked with writing a scene before they were hired, and much of what they worked into that original pitch carried over into the game that shipped earlier this year.
        What attracted them to Until Dawn was a growing frustration with modern horror audiences. Fans today, they argued, have grown up in an age of genre deconstruction—Scream, Cabin in the Woods—and, as a result, feel smugly superior to the characters they’re watching.
        “Good horror movies are like a magic trick,” said Reznick, “and once you know the magic trick, the first thrill you have is gone. The magic of the trick gets more complicated each time.”
        “It [Until Dawn] brings responsibility back to the player,” said Fessenden. “You’re no longer laughing at the choices the characters make, you’re actually making them. It almost subverts the subversion by making you responsible for the choices—you can’t just laugh at them in that safe place.”
        To pull this off, the game had to make you care about the characters. Until Dawn’s archetype rolodex runs deep: There’s the dumb blonde (Jessica), the final girl (Sam), the token minority (Matt), and many others. If you’ve watched a few horror movies, you’ve seen this lineup before.

        IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端38楼2015-09-24 02:55
          There are some mild Until Dawn spoilers that follow.
          Emily, for example, is set up as the crabby woman who makes everyone else’s life miserable. The general consensus amongst fans is that Emily is that most difficult character to like, but a smaller group has rallied around Emily, especially given how her arc plays out later in the story.
          “We set up these cliched characters, but you get to watch them deepen as you go along,” said Fessenden. “ [...] She [Emily] does have some redeeming qualities at the end. Mostly, that she’s just proactive. She takes her bitchiness and uses it. But you have to witness that to see if she makes it that far. Each of the characters have a component of that, where the cliche is stripped away and exposed as something a little more interesting.”
          “It mirrors, in some ways, the way we all act as teenagers when we’re still finding ourselves,” said Reznick. “We role play our way through high school—at least, I did, and I know a lot of people I grew up with did, as well. Then, you leave high school and go out into the real world and go ‘oh, wait, I’m really not that kind of person at all. I thought that was the kind of person I needed to be to get through this.’ When you take people who are all doing that and throw them into a situation like the one in Until Dawn, you have those masks fall away very quickly.”
          This was my experience with Jessica. When I realized the reason she was strutting her body around was to mask her own insecurities, I realized she was more interesting than your average sexpot cliche, and I wanted her to live. Reznick said the game’s choose-your-own adventure setup is what allowed for these nuances to be explored. In a more traditional slasher film, you might never give the character a chance to express these feelings; the film’s momentum might not allow it.
          “We’ve written 10,000 pages of dialogue,” he said. “You’re bound to, just by default, have some more sincere [experiences] and contemplate what someone might say in a more vulnerable position. You get that kind of variation. It may not be [in] the number one script, but when you realize ‘Well, what else might happen in the scene? Well, how about something truthful?’”
          I actually managed to keep Jessica around for a while, until one wrong move—why did I think it was OK to walk down a hallway alone?—put her in danger and her jaw was forcibly removed.
          “I think it’s more powerful if you grow to like a character because of your influence on them,” said Reznick. “If they die at that point, that’s a much more powerful moment than if you just like them from the get go, and then it’s ‘oh, too bad, they’re gone.’”

          IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端39楼2015-09-24 02:55
            1.写剧本的两个叫Graham Reznick和Larry Fessenden,Until Dawn是2011年就开始创作的,他们最终写了10,000页对话
            2.Until Dawn经历了漫长的发展过程,本来是准备2012年作为第一款真人互动电影游戏在PS3上登录的
            4.Until dawn最原始的版本是偏向玩家的视角(galgame?),并且带有讽刺意味;第二版本是通过Mike和Jess前往小木屋(开始的)。这段游戏的对话跟原始版本几乎没有改动,而且本来是写给PS3版本的并且移植到了PS4上,原始(版本)的游戏就像这样。
            5.Mike和Jess小木屋之旅是由这两制作人负责的,事实上,这两人在受雇until dawn之前就在Sony写场景了。Until Dawn最初受挫于现代恐怖的观众们,后来两人决定了恐怖故事的框架:尖叫、林中小木屋等元素。Reznick认为好的恐怖电影就像魔术表演,一旦你解密魔术,恐怖就不存在了。

            IP属地:甘肃42楼2015-09-24 09:37

              IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端57楼2015-09-30 16:18

                IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端64楼2015-10-06 18:08
                  Josh做的对twin sister的缅怀版

                  IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端65楼2015-10-06 18:09

                    IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端66楼2015-10-06 18:23

                      IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端69楼2015-10-07 01:12

                        IP属地:甘肃来自iPhone客户端74楼2015-10-17 21:23