与Jay Z合作的DJ Clark Kent近日确认Jay Z过去录制过攻击已故传奇Tupac的歌曲,这个流言传了好久,现在被证实是真的。 只不过当初Pac正好去世了,否则他们就干起来了,歌曲被封存。如果Pac当时活着,Jay Z放出歌曲那后果“不堪设想”。 “It never came out, out of respect for the fact that he died. Jay did a record going at Pac, but right as it was about to come out, son died. We performed it, though, at the Apollo—the chip on Jay’s shoulder is so crazy that he had to perform it.” 他说这是史上最牛x的diss歌曲之一,当然! “one of hardest diss records I’ve ever heard.”