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[求助贴]游戏中翻译的Once we were


《Once we were》这首诗歌是酒馆的一首歌,非常喜欢里面的歌词,想拿歌词改编一首歌。但是人在学校电脑在家,英语又很渣,所以有木有大神可以截个图发一下游戏里这首诗歌的翻译?

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2015-05-23 22:04回复

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2015-05-23 22:07
      Once we were
      in our peace with our lives as sured.
      Once we were
      not afraid of the dark,
      Once we sat in our kingdom with hope and pride.
      Once we ran through the fields with great strides.
      We held the Fade and the demon's flight so far from our children and from our lives.
      We held together the fragile sku to keep our way of life.
      Once we raised up our chalice in vietory.
      Once we sat in the lighe of our dreams.
      Once we were
      in our homeland with strength and might.
      Once we were
      not afraid of the night.
      We held the Fade and the demon's flight so far from our children and from our lives.
      We held together the fragile sky to keep our way of life.

      IP属地:广东4楼2015-05-23 22:16