一方面社会矛盾,劳资矛盾频繁,另一方面麦卡锡主义使整个社会形成了压抑窒息的氛围;20世纪60年代初期,美国卷入越南战争,战事的失利和美军惨痛的伤亡,更使全国反战情绪高涨 ,局势比较动荡,社会状况比较混乱。
On the one hand, the labor contradictions occurred frequently. On the other hand, McCarthyism stifled the whole society and a kind of repressive atmosphere was established. In the wake of 1960s, America was involved in the Vietnam war. Military reverses and huge casualties aroused anti - war sentiments throughout America. At that time, the situation was volatile and society was in chaos.