pott28: Darren Criss blew my mind tonite. The audience LOVED him SO MUCH. I’ve never seen Glee but now I know what a Gleek is. And I like it. Long live Hedwig. @darrencriss #darrencriss @hedwigonbroadway #hedwigonbroadway @glee #gleeks
另外看到一个姑娘貌似是录音了全场,正在剪辑,视频我就不传了,很短,有开场的一句词 diamondelight92.tumblr*com/post/117749109719/editing-coming-your-way-p-s-the-band-held Editing. Coming your way… (P.S. The band held that note out for so long because Darren spent like 15 seconds shooting finger guns at the audience like a little weirdo)
(另一个post里提到的) It was really nice too see how much the hedheads ( which I include myself as) really embrace and adore darren. (他评价还蛮苛刻的) ablurredrainbowconnectio*tumblr*com/post/117746538240/initial-thoughts-on-darren-as-hedwig Initial thoughts on Darren as Hedwig Spoilers ahead! You’ve been warned 1. I just really, really, really love Hedwig as a show reguardless of who is in it. 2. If you’re going to see ‘a darren show’, dont bother. Darren is no where to be found. It’s a complete transformation, and really speaks to just what an incredible actor darren is. 3.he’s so physical and it works so well with this character. His energy is incredible and it’s clearly an exhausting show. 4. The show continues to be upsetting for me in a way that’s just gutwrenching. I dont feel like that is how the rest of audience reacts though. Darren really nails the sadness, but he didnt feel quite angry enough. 5 . Most of the show worked really well, one part in particular didnt though. There’s a joke about how james franco gets all the street cred of being queer, without any of the repercussions. Like that’s darren though?and it feels a little weird to have a straight man play such a queer role that feels so personal. 6. The audience was a nice mix of hed heads and darren people. For the most part the crowd was well behaved. Though it felt super weird when a couple girls wolf whistled at a really upsetting part, simply cause he was undressing. 7. yes he’s attractive, but tragically beautiful seems more appropriate for what I witnessed. 8. He sounds so good, but nothing like darren. exquisite corpse, midnight radio, and wicked little town reprise were real standouts. 9. Darren and Rebecca had some great moments, some just felt awkward. She continues to have a fucking stunning voice. 10. I was glad to see he didn’t dance around the dirtyness of the show. He was unabashedly sexual. And there will be a whole group of fans who will be able to say they made out with darren when this is over. 11. I have a feeling I’ll have more to say tomorrow. But he really did just hit it out of the park. #hedwing and the angry inch#hedwig#dcriss#darren is hedwig#darren on broadway 他汤上还有一些提问我也贴下面 Anonymous asked: JCM said he has some lines to address Darren's age. Do you recall what they are? It was a single line, something about the magic of coverup. His age didn’t really feel like much of an issue though. Other then him no coming off as quite as exhausted,. Anonymous asked: He captured the emotion near the end well? The short answer is yes. However as a queer trans man, i think theres just an anger and despair to the character that’s hard to fake. Lived experience, you know? Anonymous asked: Did he forget any lines? Did you improv with the audience? He certainly didn’t forget anything noticeable. Though its not the kind of shiw where it matters all that much. He did some talking with the audience, my guess is as he gets more comfortable he’ll improv more and more. Anonymous asked: How were Darren and Rebecca awkward? There were just moments that felt like they were unsure of each other? With jcm, rebecca was lot more sexually possesive of hedwig? I thing its just getting used to working together. It’s honestly not that noticeable if you haven’t seen the show before.