医者之道难行, 除去种种研究挫折, 还有天下人只求病愈, 却无法接纳医道本与生死结缘, 将其间许多事情目为惊世骇俗、离经叛道。但这天底下又有哪种药, 上面不是血迹斑斑? 然而生病时难道就放弃服药?纠结於此并无意义!
It's not easy to follow the ways of doctors, partly because one must suffer from one failure after another before the researches succeed. However, the most difficult thing comes from other's opinion that, though they turn to doctors for healing and curing, they cannot accept the fact that all cures are based on countless death and sacrifice, and thus regard some experiments and researches as terrible heresy. Is there ever a kind of medicine which is innocent from blood and pain, and even death? Should patients refuse the medicine just because it has comitted such sin? Is there any meaning to trouble both patients and doctors for this paradox?