I'd love to get as much information about procs as possible to make the available gear easier to compare.
Procs without internal cooldown
Crusader Enchant - Enchant Weapon - Crusader - +60 strength for 15s and 45-75 healed, 1 PPM on melee hit, no cooldown
Mongoose Enchant - Enchant Weapon - Mongoose - +120 agility and +2% melee haste for 15s, ~1 PPM on melee hit, no cooldown
Windfury Totem - Windfury Totem - 20% chance on an extra attack with 445 extra attack power, no cooldown
[Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] - 300 mana restored, 5% proc on spell cast, no cooldown
[Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon] - 100% mana regen for 15s, 2% proc on spell cast, no cooldown
暗月卡片:蓝龙: 在成功施放法术之后有2%的几率在施法时可继续保持100%法力值回复,持续15秒,无CD。
[Darkmoon Card: Twisting Nether] - resurrect with 20% HP/Mana, 10% proc on death, no cooldown
[Eye of Gruul] - -450 reduced mana cost on next heal, 2% proc on heal, no cooldown; multiple proc chances from AoE heals
格鲁尔之眼: 你施放的每个治疗法术都有2%的几率使你在15秒内施放的下一个法术所消耗的法力值减少450点,无CD。AOE治疗可以提高触发几
率(牧师刷环的极品啊 ……)
Eye of Magtheridon] - +170 spell damge/healing for 10s, 100% on a full spell resist, no cooldown
玛瑟里顿之眼:装备: 当你的法术被抵抗之后,使你获得170点法术伤害加成,持续10秒,无CD。
[Madness of the Betrayer] - +300 armour pentration for 10s, 1 PPM on melee/ranged hit, no cooldown
Ashtongue Talisman of ... - Ashtongue - various class-dependent procs, no cooldown
[Wrath of Cenarius] - +132 spell damage for 10s, 5% proc on spell hit, no cooldown
[Bulwark of Azzinoth] - +2000 AC for 10s, 2% chance on being hit, no internal cooldown
Spellstrike Infusion 2/2 - Spellstrike Hood - +92 spell damage for 10s, 5% proc on harmful spell hit, no cooldown
Malorne Raiment/Regalia 2/5 - Crown of Malorne - 120 mana restored on spell cast, ?% proc on helpful/harmful spellcast, no
Malorne Harness 2/5 - Stag-Helm of Malorne - 10 rage/20 energy restored on melee hit, 4% proc on melee attack, no cooldown
Voidheart Raiment 2/5 - Voidheart Crown - +135 fire/shadow damage for 15s, (10%?) proc on fire/shadow spell cast, no cooldown
作者: 圣光的爱意 2008-4-24 15:19 回复此发言