我的世界pe学校解密吧 关注:15,486贴子:14,034



来自Android客户端25楼2015-03-23 12:13
    来自Android客户端26楼2015-03-23 12:14
      来自Android客户端27楼2015-03-23 12:14
        来自Android客户端29楼2015-03-23 12:14
          @6g3y @dr风云迈啊密 @房产快讯大管家

          来自Android客户端30楼2015-03-23 12:14

            来自Android客户端38楼2015-03-24 06:35

              来自Android客户端39楼2015-03-24 06:35

                来自Android客户端44楼2015-03-25 06:20

                  来自Android客户端45楼2015-03-25 06:20

                    来自Android客户端46楼2015-03-25 06:21
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 119] ZDMAPP init started
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 120] ZDMAPP Version is 1.0.1
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initConfig : 152] initConfig() context = com.zte.zdm.application.App@4160e530
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : <init> : 63] AndroidConfiguration(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : load : 183] load()
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : verifyTreeFile : 200] verifyTreeFile()
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initController : 163] initController()true
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [AndroidController : createSyncEngine : 239] the engine is: com.zte.zdm.engine.Engine@4163d5b8
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : accountInit : 163] DMACC accountInit
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : readCurrentAccountFromConfigFile : 62] DMACC get current account:-->./DMAcc/synchronica
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : getAccountRootFromApp : 42] DMACC get account root:-->./DMAcc
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : readAccountsListFromConfigFile : 82] DMACC get accounts list:-->./DMAcc/ZTE;
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : updateCurrentAccountNodePaths : 203] DMACC PATHS updated,current account is./DMAcc/synchronica
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] Creating new connection manager
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [Engine : createConnectionMgr : 241] the connMgr is: com.zte.zdm.framework.http.ConnectionManager@4165ec88
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [Engine : createManagementObjectManager : 254] into createManagementObjectManager
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] get agpsSettings is com.zte.zdm.platform.mtk.MtkAgpsSetting
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] get agpsSettings is com.zte.zdm.platform.mtk.MtkAgpsSetting
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidMmiController : <init> : 89] AndroidMmiController(): this.screen = null
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initServiceHandler : 178] initServiceHandler()true
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AutoUpdate : init : 49] AutoUpdate init
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [App : cancelAlarm : 287] AutoUpdate cancelAlarm
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [Autoupdate] AutoUpdate setAlarmTimeTest setWeek = 1, setHour = 1, setMinutes = 18
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [App : startAlarm : 226] AutoUpdate verifyConfigFile startAlarm
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 130] ZDMAPP init completed
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [Class : register : 48] register
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (Thread-84) [INFO ] [ : run : 28] Thread set default uncaught exception handler!
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CallReceiver : recvCall : 38] Call.recvCall()
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CallReceiver : recvCall : 47] Call.recvCall() phoneNr : null
                      20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CustomPhoneStateListener : onCallStateChanged : 65] Call CustomPhoneStateListener.onCallStateChanged() IDLE
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 119] ZDMAPP init started
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 120] ZDMAPP Version is 1.0.1
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initConfig : 152] initConfig() context = com.zte.zdm.application.App@41612b88
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : <init> : 63] AndroidConfiguration(Context context)
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : load : 183] load()
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : verifyTreeFile : 200] verifyTreeFile()
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initController : 163] initController()true
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [AndroidController : createSyncEngine : 239] the engine is: com.zte.zdm.engine.Engine@41641638
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : accountInit : 163] DMACC accountInit
                      20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.conf

                      来自Android客户端55楼2015-04-12 07:05
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 119] ZDMAPP init started
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 120] ZDMAPP Version is 1.0.1
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initConfig : 152] initConfig() context = com.zte.zdm.application.App@4160e530
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : <init> : 63] AndroidConfiguration(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : load : 183] load()
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : verifyTreeFile : 200] verifyTreeFile()
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initController : 163] initController()true
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [AndroidController : createSyncEngine : 239] the engine is: com.zte.zdm.engine.Engine@4163d5b8
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : accountInit : 163] DMACC accountInit
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : readCurrentAccountFromConfigFile : 62] DMACC get current account:-->./DMAcc/synchronica
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : getAccountRootFromApp : 42] DMACC get account root:-->./DMAcc
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : readAccountsListFromConfigFile : 82] DMACC get accounts list:-->./DMAcc/ZTE;
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : updateCurrentAccountNodePaths : 203] DMACC PATHS updated,current account is./DMAcc/synchronica
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] Creating new connection manager
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [Engine : createConnectionMgr : 241] the connMgr is: com.zte.zdm.framework.http.ConnectionManager@4165ec88
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [Engine : createManagementObjectManager : 254] into createManagementObjectManager
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] get agpsSettings is com.zte.zdm.platform.mtk.MtkAgpsSetting
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] get agpsSettings is com.zte.zdm.platform.mtk.MtkAgpsSetting
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidMmiController : <init> : 89] AndroidMmiController(): this.screen = null
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initServiceHandler : 178] initServiceHandler()true
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AutoUpdate : init : 49] AutoUpdate init
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [App : cancelAlarm : 287] AutoUpdate cancelAlarm
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [Autoupdate] AutoUpdate setAlarmTimeTest setWeek = 1, setHour = 1, setMinutes = 18
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [App : startAlarm : 226] AutoUpdate verifyConfigFile startAlarm
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 130] ZDMAPP init completed
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [Class : register : 48] register
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (Thread-84) [INFO ] [ : run : 28] Thread set default uncaught exception handler!
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CallReceiver : recvCall : 38] Call.recvCall()
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CallReceiver : recvCall : 47] Call.recvCall() phoneNr : null
                        20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CustomPhoneStateListener : onCallStateChanged : 65] Call CustomPhoneStateListener.onCallStateChanged() IDLE
                        20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 119] ZDMAPP init started
                        20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 120] ZDMAPP Version is 1.0.1

                        来自Android客户端56楼2015-04-12 07:05

                          来自Android客户端57楼2015-04-12 07:06
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 119] ZDMAPP init started
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 120] ZDMAPP Version is 1.0.1
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initConfig : 152] initConfig() context = com.zte.zdm.application.App@4160e530
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : <init> : 63] AndroidConfiguration(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : load : 183] load()
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : verifyTreeFile : 200] verifyTreeFile()
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initController : 163] initController()true
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [AndroidController : createSyncEngine : 239] the engine is: com.zte.zdm.engine.Engine@4163d5b8
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : accountInit : 163] DMACC accountInit
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : readCurrentAccountFromConfigFile : 62] DMACC get current account:-->./DMAcc/synchronica
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : getAccountRootFromApp : 42] DMACC get account root:-->./DMAcc
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidTreeStorageFactory : readAccountsListFromConfigFile : 82] DMACC get accounts list:-->./DMAcc/ZTE;
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : updateCurrentAccountNodePaths : 203] DMACC PATHS updated,current account is./DMAcc/synchronica
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] Creating new connection manager
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [Engine : createConnectionMgr : 241] the connMgr is: com.zte.zdm.framework.http.ConnectionManager@4165ec88
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [ERROR] [Engine : createManagementObjectManager : 254] into createManagementObjectManager
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] get agpsSettings is com.zte.zdm.platform.mtk.MtkAgpsSetting
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] get agpsSettings is com.zte.zdm.platform.mtk.MtkAgpsSetting
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidMmiController : <init> : 89] AndroidMmiController(): this.screen = null
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initServiceHandler : 178] initServiceHandler()true
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AutoUpdate : init : 49] AutoUpdate init
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [App : cancelAlarm : 287] AutoUpdate cancelAlarm
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [Autoupdate] AutoUpdate setAlarmTimeTest setWeek = 1, setHour = 1, setMinutes = 18
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [App : startAlarm : 226] AutoUpdate verifyConfigFile startAlarm
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 130] ZDMAPP init completed
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [Class : register : 48] register
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (Thread-84) [INFO ] [ : run : 28] Thread set default uncaught exception handler!
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CallReceiver : recvCall : 38] Call.recvCall()
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CallReceiver : recvCall : 47] Call.recvCall() phoneNr : null
                            20:25:13 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [CustomPhoneStateListener : onCallStateChanged : 65] Call CustomPhoneStateListener.onCallStateChanged() IDLE
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 119] ZDMAPP init started
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : init : 120] ZDMAPP Version is 1.0.1
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [INFO ] [AppInitializer : initConfig : 152] initConfig() context = com.zte.zdm.application.App@41612b88
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.configuration]] getInstance(Context context)
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [AndroidConfiguration : <init> : 63] AndroidConfiguration(Context context)
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [DMAccount : accountInit : 163] DMACC accountInit
                            20:25:35 ZDMLog (main) [DEBUG] [[com.zte.zdm.application.conf

                            来自Android客户端58楼2015-04-12 07:06

                              来自Android客户端59楼2015-04-12 07:21