Anonymous asked: "What was the biggest shock when meeting each other for the first time after being long distance for? (Quirks, habits, feelings, etc.)" Kaelyn leaves a trail of destruction behind her wherever she goes. For example, this morning, she very sweetly made me coffee. Except the coffee beans were at the back of the cupboard, so she had to take everything else out of the cupboard first. And then she left the entire contents of the cupboard on the kitchen side. BUT it was a yummy coffee, so I forgive her! 2333kae爹地有好可爱的怪癖!
Anonymous asked: "do you make enough money to do youtube full time if you wanted to?" To be honest, I’m not sure. All of our youtube money got into a savings account that we don’t really touch. I’m guessing we would make enough money to pay rent and such but not enough to truly live. 所以说她们两不会跟rr一样当个全职的呢
Anonymous asked: "How did you guys end up in Arizona when you're both not from anywhere near there? Just wondering because my girlfriend and I currently live on opposite sides of the country and I'm curious how you two ended up finally living together." Kaelyn got an internship in Arizona and we ended up loving it! 妇随夫从~媳妇去哪儿,我就去那儿
Anonymous asked: "Has Kae gained weight? Totally not hating, you both are gorgeous! Just an observation, she looks a little different and I can't put my finger on what it is lol. Love you both! :)" She’s gained a little bit of weight but on purpose. She used to only eat 1-2 meals a day because she was too busy to remember to eat. Now that she lives with Lucy, Lucy makes sure she’s eating three meals a day! Kaelyn definitely feels more healthy now. :) 有了媳妇吃嘛嘛香