我的世界minecraf...吧 关注:189贴子:1,853

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12:58:02 [INFO] /petadmin: Set the Exp or Name of a MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petbeacon: Beacon!
12:58:02 [INFO] /petbehavior: Switch the behavior mode of your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petcall: Call your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petchooseskilltree: Chooses a skilltree.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petinfo: Shows HP and Exp of your MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petinventory: Open the inventory of your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petname: Set the name of your MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petpickup: Toogles pickup of your MyPet.

IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端34楼2015-01-11 19:29
    12:58:02 [INFO] /petrelease: Release your MyPet.
    12:58:02 [INFO] /petsendaway: Send your MyPet away.
    12:58:02 [INFO] /petskill: Shows the skill-levels of a online MyPet
    12:58:02 [INFO] /petskilltree: Shows a fully configured skilltree
    12:58:02 [INFO] /petstop: your MyPet stop attacking.
    12:58:02 [INFO] /ping: 啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪!
    12:58:02 [INFO] /pistonjump: To see the PistonJump help.

    IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端35楼2015-01-11 19:29
      12:58:02 [INFO] /plugin: Load, unload or reload the specified plugins.
      12:58:02 [INFO] /plugins: Gets a list of plugins running on the server
      12:58:02 [INFO] /powertool: 给手中物品指定一个命令.
      12:58:02 [INFO] /powertooltoggle: 开启或关闭当前所有的powertool.
      12:58:02 [INFO] /protocol: Performs administrative tasks regarding ProtocolLib.
      12:58:02 [INFO] /ptime: 专门调整某玩家客户端的时间. 添加 @ 前缀来修复.
      12:58:02 [INFO] /pumpkins: [size] - Generate pumpkin patches

      IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端36楼2015-01-11 19:30
        12:58:02 [INFO] /quit: Manually quit your session.
        12:58:02 [INFO] /r: 快速回复别人发给你的信息(邮件/私信).
        12:58:02 [INFO] /range: [pattern] - Set the brush range
        12:58:02 [INFO] /rc: Chat in current residence channel.
        12:58:02 [INFO] /realname: 查看某玩家的真名(nick之前的名字).
        12:58:02 [INFO] /region: Region management commands
        12:58:02 [INFO] /register: Register your player with the supplied password.
        12:58:02 [INFO] /reload: Reloads the server configuration and plugins

        IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端37楼2015-01-11 19:30
          12:58:02 [INFO] /remove: <type> <radius> - Remove all entities of a type
          12:58:02 [INFO] /repair: 修复<手中|所有>的物品.
          12:58:02 [INFO] /repl: <block> - Block replacer tool
          12:58:02 [INFO] /res: Manage Residences
          12:58:02 [INFO] /resadmin: Residence admin functions.
          12:58:02 [INFO] /residence: Manage Residences
          12:58:02 [INFO] /resload: Load the save file again after you have made modificat

          IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端40楼2015-01-11 19:33
            12:58:02 [INFO] /resreload: Reload the entire residence plugin.
            12:58:02 [INFO] /restore: [snapshot] - Restore the selection from a snapshot
            12:58:02 [INFO] /resworld: Removes every residence in a world.
            12:58:02 [INFO] /rules: 查看服务器规则.
            12:58:02 [INFO] /save-all: Saves the server to disk
            12:58:02 [INFO] /save-off: Disables server autosaving
            12:58:02 [INFO] /save-on: Enables server autosaving
            12:58:02 [INFO] /say: Broadcasts the given message as the console

            IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端41楼2015-01-11 19:33
              12:58:02 [INFO] /sbackup: Run the map backup
              12:58:02 [INFO] /seed: Shows the world seed
              12:58:02 [INFO] /seen: 查看最后一位玩家登出的时间.
              12:58:02 [INFO] /sell: 把手中的物品出售给系统.
              12:58:02 [INFO] /serverstate: Show the server stats using a command
              12:58:02 [INFO] /sethome: 把你的家设置在这个位置.
              12:58:02 [INFO] /setjail: 在你所在位置设置一个监狱,名称叫 [监狱名称]

              IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端42楼2015-01-11 19:33
                12:58:02 [INFO] /setspawn: Set the spawnpoint to your current position.
                12:58:02 [INFO] /setwarp: 创建一个新的地标.
                12:58:02 [INFO] /setworth: 设置某个物品的价值.
                12:58:02 [INFO] /sg: Used to reload the plugin. Console use only.
                12:58:02 [INFO] /shelfit: Lists ShelfIt's commands and uses.
                12:58:02 [INFO] /showcasestandalone: Access to all ShowCaseStandalone related co

                IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端43楼2015-01-11 19:34
                  12:58:02 [INFO] /ss: Short-Command for serverstate
                  12:58:02 [INFO] /stop: Stops the server with optional reason
                  12:58:02 [INFO] /stopfire: [<world>] - Disables all fire spread temporarily
                  12:58:02 [INFO] /sudo: 让某玩家强制执行一个命令.
                  12:58:02 [INFO] /suicide: 自杀.
                  12:58:02 [INFO] /superpickaxe: Select super pickaxe mode
                  12:58:02 [INFO] /tempadd: Creates a temporary permissions copy for that user.

                  IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端45楼2015-01-11 19:34
                    12:58:02 [INFO] /tempban: 临时封禁一个玩家.
                    12:58:02 [INFO] /tempdel: Remove the temporary permissions copy for player.
                    12:58:02 [INFO] /tempdelall: Remove all overrides made by command /tempadd.
                    12:58:02 [INFO] /templist: List players in overload-permissionss mode made by /t

                    IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端46楼2015-01-11 19:34
                      12:58:02 [INFO] /thru: Passthrough walls
                      12:58:02 [INFO] /thunder: 允许/禁止 自然雷击.
                      12:58:02 [INFO] /time: 显示/改变世界的时间,默认当前世界.
                      12:58:02 [INFO] /timeismoney: Give connection time and earned money
                      12:58:03 [INFO] /timeismoney:reload: Give connection time and earned money
                      12:58:03 [INFO] /timings: Records timings for all plugin events
                      12:58:03 [INFO] /togglechop: Toggle ChopTree

                      IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端47楼2015-01-11 19:35
                        12:58:03 [INFO] /toggledownfall: Toggles rain on/off on a given world
                        12:58:03 [INFO] /toggleeditwand: Toggle functionality of the edit wand
                        12:58:03 [INFO] /togglejail: 监禁/解禁一个玩家,并传送他到监狱.
                        12:58:03 [INFO] /tool: Select a tool to bind
                        12:58:03 [INFO] /top: 传送到你所站坐标上的最高方块处.
                        12:58:03 [INFO] /tp: 强行传送到某玩家.

                        IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端48楼2015-01-11 19:35
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /tpa: 发送一条传送请求,让你传送到对象玩家的地点.
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /tpall: 强制把所有在线玩] /tpdeny: 拒绝传送请求.
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /tphere: 强制把一个玩家传送到自己的位置.
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /tpohere: 强制把一个玩家传送到自己的位置,无视拒绝传送.
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /tppos: 把自己传送到某个坐标.
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /tptoggle: 拒绝所有传送.
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /tree: [type] - Tree generator tool
                          12:58:03 [INFO] /unban: 解除封禁玩家.

                          IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端49楼2015-01-11 19:35
                            12:58:03 [INFO] /unbanip: 解除封禁IP地址.
                            12:58:03 [INFO] /undisguise: Remove a disguise.
                            12:58:03 [INFO] /unlimited: 允许某玩家无限放置某方块.
                            12:58:03 [INFO] /unstuck: Escape from being stuck inside a block
                            12:58:03 [INFO] /up: <block> - Go upwards some distance
                            12:58:03 [INFO] /vanish: 进入隐身模式,其他玩家将无法看到你.
                            12:58:03 [INFO] /vault-convert: Converts all data in economy1 and dumps it into

                            IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端50楼2015-01-11 19:35
                              12:58:03 [INFO] /vault-info: Displays information about Vault
                              12:58:03 [INFO] /version: Gets the version of this server including any plugins
                              in use

                              IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端51楼2015-01-11 19:36