12:58:02 [INFO] /petadmin: Set the Exp or Name of a MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petbeacon: Beacon!
12:58:02 [INFO] /petbehavior: Switch the behavior mode of your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petcall: Call your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petchooseskilltree: Chooses a skilltree.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petinfo: Shows HP and Exp of your MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petinventory: Open the inventory of your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petname: Set the name of your MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petpickup: Toogles pickup of your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petbeacon: Beacon!
12:58:02 [INFO] /petbehavior: Switch the behavior mode of your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petcall: Call your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petchooseskilltree: Chooses a skilltree.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petinfo: Shows HP and Exp of your MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petinventory: Open the inventory of your MyPet.
12:58:02 [INFO] /petname: Set the name of your MyPet
12:58:02 [INFO] /petpickup: Toogles pickup of your MyPet.