法兰西王国吧 关注:10,801贴子:173,393



澳、纽新国旗预案和澳大利亚民众怒烧Union Jack镇楼。

1楼2014-09-30 23:10回复


    3楼2014-09-30 23:10
      The oldest known reference to the use of the three colours of green, white and orange as a nationalist emblem dates from September 1830 when tricolour cockades were worn at a meeting held to celebrate the French Revolution of that year — a revolution which restored the use of the French tricolour.[22] The colours were also used in the same period for rosettes and badges, and on the banners of trade guilds.[22] However, widespread recognition was not accorded to the flag until 1848. At a meeting in his native city of Waterford on 7 March 1848, Thomas Francis Meagher, the Young Ireland leader, first publicly unveiled the flag from a second-floor window of the Wolfe Tone Club as he addressed a gathered crowd on the street below who were present to celebrate another revolution that had just taken place in France.[22][23] It was inspired by the tricolours of France and Newfoundland; Meagher*s father was born in Newfoundland.[23] Speeches made at that time by Meagher suggest that it was regarded as an innovation and not as the revival of an older flag.[22] From March of that year Irish tricolours appeared side-by-side with French ones at meetings held all over the country.[14] John Mitchel, referring to the tricolour of green, white and orange that Meagher had presented from Paris at a later meeting in Dublin on 15 April 1848, said: "I hope to see that flag one day waving, as our national banner".[14]

      4楼2014-09-30 23:11


        5楼2014-09-30 23:11



          乍得国旗(当前旗帜,这面国旗还是法国佬指定的~Les couleurs du drapeau du Tchad ont été choisies par le dernier gouverneur français, sur le modèle du drapeau français)

          6楼2014-09-30 23:11

            今天意大利国旗的雏形—拿破仑远征意大利期间建立的奇斯帕达纳共和国(Repubblica Cispadana)国旗。

            The first entity to use the Italian tricolour was the Cispadane Republic in 1797, which supplanted Milan after Napoleon*s victorious army crossed Italy in 1796. The colours chosen by the Cispadane Republic were red and white, which were the colours of the recently conquered flag of Milan; and green, which was the colour of the uniform of the Milanese civic guard. During this time, many small French-proxy republics of Jacobin inspiration supplanted the ancient absolute Italian states and almost all, with variants of colour, used flags characterised by three bands of equal size, clearly inspired by the French model of 1790.

            7楼2014-09-30 23:11


              8楼2014-09-30 23:11
                图片来自:阿布瓦兹的百度相册密苏里州州旗,启用于1913年9月4日;采用红白蓝三色旨在反映该州曾经是法属路易斯安那的一部分。Missouri这个名字来自密苏里河,后者的拉丁拼写源自法国探险家Étienne de Veniard, sieur de Bourgmont 1714年的著作。

                10楼2014-09-30 23:12
                  The flag is a tricolor consisting of three horizontal stripes of red, white and blue. These represent valor, purity, vigilance, and justice. The colors also reflect the state*s historic status as part of the French Louisiana (New France). In the center white stripe is the Seal of Missouri, circled by a blue band containing 24 stars, symbolizing Missouri*s admission as the 24th U.S. state.[6]

                  11楼2014-09-30 23:12



                    12楼2014-09-30 23:12

                      The prevailing – although unofficial – view of the meaning of the five stripes is that red represents the land and the people; the white is for Theravada Buddhism, the state religion and the central blue stripe symbolises the monarchy. It has also been stated that blue was the official colour of King Rama VI. Another account claims the blue was inserted as a show of solidarity following Thailand’s entry into the First World War (in July 1917) as an ally of Britain and France."
                      Le drapeau de la Thaïlande est le drapeau civil, le drapeau d*État, le pavillon marchand et le pavillon d*État du Royaume de Thaïlande. Adoptée le 28 septembre 1917 par décret du roi Rama VI, la version actuelle du drapeau thaïlandais présente trois couleurs en cinq bandes horizontales (son nom thaï est ธงไตรรงค์, Thong Trairong, signifiant tricolore) : le rouge pour la nation, le blanc pour la foi et la pureté du bouddhisme theravada et enfin le bleu pour la monarchie. Le bleu, couleur de Rama VI, remplace la bande centrale rouge du drapeau précédent, peut-être pour rappeler l*engagement du Siam dans la Première Guerre mondiale aux côtés de la France et de la Grande-Bretagne

                      13楼2014-09-30 23:12






                        14楼2014-09-30 23:12


                          16楼2014-09-30 23:13

                            Le premier drapeau déployé par les révolutionnaires belges ce 25 août à Bruxelles fut le drapeau français4 . Il fut confectionné à partir des rideaux de l’appartement de Georges Libri-Bagnano rédacteur en chef d’un journal pro-orangiste, Le National, qui avait été détruit par les révolutionnaires4.
                            Ce drapeau fut placé sur l’hôtel de ville, mais le 26 août Édouard Ducpétiaux l’enleva et lui substitua le drapeau brabançon décoré de la Croix de Fer4. Le 28 août, à la demande de Lucien Jottrand, Ducpétiaux se rend vers la Grand-Place, et à quelques pas de là, au coin de la rue de la Colline, entre dans le magasin d*aunage des époux Abts pour y demander la confection de deux drapeaux. Marie Abts confectionne sans tarder ces drapeaux composés de trois bandes de mérinos, placés horizontalement. Le premier alla flotter à l*hôtel de ville à la place de l*étendard français ; le second fut pris par un ami de Ducpétiaux, Alexandre Vanhulst, afin d*être brandi à la tête de la première compagnie de la Garde bourgeoise et de rallier le peuple bruxellois à la cause nationale.

                            17楼2014-09-30 23:13

                              The design is related to the flags of France and Spain, the two states that protect the independence of the small country. A flag of three bars is similar to that of the French Tricolor, while the pattern of a wider middle stripe can be noted on the Spanish flag. The blue and red of the Andorran flag are also found on the French flag, with red and yellow also being the principal colors of the Spanish flag. From 1806 to 1866, Andorra*s flag was a vertical bi-color of yellow and red. The motto in the coat of arms in the middle stripe Virtus Unita Fortior means "Virtue United is Stronger".

                              18楼2014-09-30 23:13