小插曲,第一季第三集:The Ticket Song [Pinkie Pie] Twilight is my bestest friend ,Whoopie, whoopie! 暮光是我最好的朋友,无比,无比! Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie... 暮光闪闪:萍琪… [Pinkie Pie] She*s the cutest, smartest, all around best pony, pony! 他聪明美丽无马能敌,无敌 Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie. 暮光闪闪:萍琪… [Pinkie Pie] I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party, party! 我要给她办个派对,派对! Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie! 暮光闪闪:萍琪! [Pinkie Pie] She*ll give her extra ticket to the gala to me! 她就会把票送到我手里!
继续小插曲系列,第一季第五集目中无马插曲(中文参考国配)Junior Speedsters Chant [Rainbow Dash/Gilda] Junior Speedsters are our lives, 少年快行我最爱 Sky-bound soars and daring dives 勇敢俯冲飞得快 Junior Speedsters, it*s our quest, 少年快行我最爱 To some day be the very best! 我要做到最精彩
小插曲第三首,出自第一季第七集,驯龙高蹄Hop Skip and Jump son [Pinkie Pie] It*s not very far 这不算太远 Just move your little rump 挪动你的小屁股 You can make it if you try with a hop, skip and jump 你能做到,只要试着蹦,蹦,跳 Twilight Sparkle: We don*t have time for this. 暮光闪闪:我们没时间了 [Pinkie Pie] A hop, skip and jump 蹦,蹦,跳 Just move your little rump, 挪动你的小屁股 A hop, skip and jump, 蹦,蹦,跳 A hop, skip and jump, 蹦,蹦,跳 A hop, skip and jump, 蹦,蹦,跳 A hop skip and jump, 蹦,蹦,跳 A hop skip and jump! 蹦,蹦,跳 lz:这首真好翻译
小插曲系列第四首,出自第一季第九集(翻译参考国配):Evil Enchantress song [Pinkie Pie/Flutterguy] She*s an evil enchantress 她是邪恶的女巫 She does evil dances 她邪恶的跳舞 And if you look deep in her eyes 你盯着她眼睛看 She*ll put you in trances 会被她吓糊涂 Then what will she do? 她还会怎么做? She*ll mix up an evil brew 会烧一锅杂烩汤 Then she*ll gobble you up 把你煮一煮 In a big tasty stew 美美的吃掉 Soooo.... Watch out! 所以,小心!
小插曲之六,出自第一季第十七集,凝视大师:Hush Now Lullab [Fluttershy] Hush now, quiet now 安静,安静 It*s time to lay your sleepy head 让疲乏的头脑安睡 Hush now, quiet now 安静,安静 It*s time to go to bed 是时候睡觉了 [Sweetie Belle] Hush now! Quiet now! 安静!安静! It*s time to lay your sleepy head! 让疲乏的头脑安睡! Said hush now! Quiet now! 说安静!安静! It*s time to go to bed! 是时候睡觉了! Fluttershy: Okay Sweetie, that was... 小蝶:哦,亲爱的,你太… [Sweetie Belle] Driftin* (driftin*) off to sleep! 漂浮,渐渐睡着! The exciting day behind you! 兴奋的一天在你身后! Driftin* (driftin*) off to sleep! 漂浮,渐渐睡着! Let the joy of dream land find you! 让欢乐的梦乡找到你! Fluttershy: Thank you Sweetie, um... 小蝶:谢谢你亲爱的,呃… [Sweetie Belle] Hush now! Quiet now! 安静!安静! Lay your sleepy head! 让疲乏的大脑安睡! Said hush now! Quiet now! 说安静!安静! It*s time to go to BED! 是时候睡觉了! OW! 哇哦!
lz我又回来啦,今天第一首同人歌曲Wintersnow*s Lullaby 由甜贝儿唱的安眠曲,是专门为工作劳累的姐姐瑞瑞所唱的歌曲,遗憾的是作者本人(Night Breeze)并没有邀请歌手唱歌,因此只有伴奏。 The sun has set outside, with the moon in its place 太阳下山了,月亮慢慢升起 It*s time to go to bed, for sleep to embrace 该去睡觉啦,慢慢进入梦乡吧 You did your very best, you made us so proud of you 你是最棒的,我为你感到骄傲 But now it*s time to rest, and bid the world adieu 不过现在是休息的时候了,和世界说晚安吧 I must also go away, but I won*t disappear 我得走了,不过不会消失不见 Though you go to your rest alone, please know I*m still here- 虽然你独自一人睡下了,但是要相信我一直在这里 In your heart with you always, so please don*t be afraid 一直在你的心里,所以不用担心 I will always love you my Belle, you know that it*s true; 我,甜心宝宝,一直一直爱着你,真的。 I do 真的哦。 (Goodnight, sis...) 晚安,姐姐
This Day Aria,出自第52集 This day is going to be perfect 今天必将隆重辉煌 The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 我从小就对它无比向往 Everypony will gather round 大家聚在我身旁 Say I look lovely in my gown 称赞礼服的漂亮 What they don*t know is that I have fooled them all. 却不知被我玩弄于股掌之上 [韵律公主] This day was going to be perfect 今天本将隆重辉煌 The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 我从小就对它无比向往 But instead of having cake 没有蛋糕和舞会 With all my friends to celebrate 或是朋友的举杯 My wedding bells they may not ring for me at all. 婚礼的钟声也不为我鸣响 [幻形女王] I could care less about the dress 我才不在乎婚纱美貌 I won*t partake in any cake 也不会吃一口蛋糕 Vows, well I*ll be lying when I say 誓言,那只是荒唐的玩笑 That through any kind of weather 无论是狂风或骤雨 I*ll want us to be together 永远不离不弃 The truth is I don*t care for him at all 其实我对他毫不在意 No I do not love the groom 不,我根本不爱新郎 In my heart there is no room 我的心里没有你的地方 But I still want him to be all mine! 但我希望他只属于我 [音韵公主] We must escape before it*s too late 我们得赶紧离开 Find a way to save the day 揭穿恶毒的谎言 Hope, I*ll be lying if I say 希望不是一厢情愿 I don*t fear that I may lose him 我并不害怕失去他 To one who wants to use him 或有谁利用他 Not care for love and cherish him each day 只在乎日夜与他相伴 For I oh-so love the groom 我是如此爱新郎 All my thoughts he does consume 你是我唯一的向往 Oh Shining Armor, 噢,银甲闪闪 I*ll be there very soon.Shining Armor 等待不再遥远 [幻形女王] Finally the moment has arrived 婚礼钟声就快敲响 For me to be one lucky bride. 我才是幸福的新娘 [音韵公主] Oh, the wedding we won*t make 哦,不!婚礼就快开场 He*ll end up marrying a fake 谎言却成了真相 Shining Armor will beShining Armor 银甲闪闪将会成为—— [幻形女王] Mine, all mine. laughter 我的,我一个人的
同人歌曲Long Way From Equestria(小马国相距如此遥远)Mandopony和AcousticBrony合力完成的小马同人歌曲的里程碑音乐,歌曲优美而又充满了沧桑的感觉,是一首难得的佳作 He was different from the rest of the world,He chose the lovely every time 他和世间凡人不同,总是选择美好的事物 With a smile, he would bravely soldier on,Yeah, was that such a crime? 面带微笑,勇往直前,他这样有罪吗? He did not wear cynicism well,He chose the lovely every time 他并不那么愤世嫉俗,总是选择美好的事物 And they cut him down, the world cut him down,Yeah being peaceful was his crime 可是别人鄙视他,他的与世无争变成了罪 And I don*t understand,The way we all behave 我实在不明白,我们为什么会这样 Yeah this world of ours..This world we live in... 在这个世界,我们存在的世界 We*re a long way from Equestria,We*re a long, long way 距离小马国,我们好遥远 We*re a long way from Equestria,We*re a long, long way 距离小马国,我们好遥远 She dared to love everybody,Yeah, she was nothing but kind 她敢于用爱面对所有人,她心得善良 And the world told her she was wrong,There must be something wrong with her mind 世人却说她错了,说她一定精神不正常 And she was just a child amongst thieves,Just a child looking for love 她只是生在万恶中的孩子,只是个孩子,寻找爱 Yeah all the grown ups in the world told her she was wrong 可是世界上的大人说她错了 To believe in something we*re all dreaming of 只因为她相信我们共同的梦想 And I don*t understand,The wicked things we do 我不明白,我们何必作恶 Yeah this world of ours..This world we live in... 在这个世界,我们存在的世界 We*re a long way from Equestria,We*re a long, long way 距离小马国,我们好遥远,前路漫漫 We*re a long way from Equestria,We*re a long, long way 距离小马国,我们好遥远,前路漫漫 I will never give up the fight.I will never surrender to the hate 我的奋斗不会停止,我永不向仇恨低头 I know this world ain*t perfect at all 我知道世界并不完美 But the world is just what we create 但是这世界,我们能改变 So let*s make love,Let*s make friends, 所以传播爱,传播友谊吧 Let*s take time to make amends, 让我们一点点修葺道路 Let*s make the world more like Equestria 让这个世界像小马国一样
可爱军团童子军军歌Cutie Mark Crusaders Song,出自第一季第十八集 Look, here, are three littleponies 看,这里有三只小马 Ready to sing for this crowd 准备为大家表演 Listen up, *cause here*s our story 听,因为这里有个故事 I*m gonna sing it 我们要唱出来 [Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo] Very loud! 大声唱! [Scootaloo] When you*re a younger pony 当你是一匹年轻的小马 And your flank is very bare 你的身侧一片空白 Feels like the sun will never come 觉得阳光永远不会照到你 When your cutie mark*s not there 因为你的可爱标志不在那里 So the three of us will fight the fight 所以我们三匹小马努力奋斗 There is nothing that we fear 没有什么能使我们惧怕 We*ll have to figure out what we*ll do next 我们知道接下来要做什么 [Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo] Till our cutie marks are here! 直到我们的可爱标志出现在那! We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders 我们是可爱军团 On a quest to find out who we are 为了寻求真正的自我 And we will never stop the journey 我们的旅程永远不会停止 Not until we have our cutie marks 直到拥有我们的可爱标志 [Scootaloo] They all say that you*ll get your mark 他们都说你会得到你的标志 When the time is really right 等到时机真正成熟 And you know just what you*re supposed to do 你也知道你将要做什么 And your talent comes to light 你的天赋将会闪闪发光 But it*s not as easy as it sounds 但这不像听起来那么容易 And that waiting*s hard to do 这样的等待让马着急 So we test our talents everywhere 所以我们到处尝试我们的天赋 [Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo] Until our face is blue 直到我们脸色发青 We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders 我们是可爱军团 On a quest to find out who we are 为了寻求真正的自我 And we will never stop the journey 我们的旅程永远不会停止 Not until we have our cutie marks 直到我们拥有我们的可爱标志 We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders 我们是可爱军团 On a quest to find out who we are 为了寻求真正的自我 And we will never stop the journey 我们的旅程永远不会停止 Not until we have our cutie marks! 直到我们拥有自己的可爱标志
要分享,要关爱You Got to Share, You Got to Care,出自第一季第二十一集 [Pinkie Pie] We may be divided 我们虽然不同 But of you all, I beg 但是 To remember we*re all hoofed 大家都别忘了 At the end of each leg 我们每匹马都长着蹄子 No matter what the issue 不管有什么问题 Come from wherever you please 不管你来自哪里 All this fighting gets you nothing 争斗没有意义 But hoof and mouth disease 又只会害人害己 Arguing*s not the way 吵架不是办法 Hey, come out and play! 一起来玩吧 It*s a shiny, new day 新的晴朗的一天 So, what do you say? 你该怎么说? You gotta share 要分享 You gotta care 要关爱 It*s the right thing to do 这样才是正途 You gotta share 要分享 You gotta care 要关爱 And there*ll always be a way through 总是会有出路 Both our diets, I should mention 我们吃的大同小异 Are completely vegetarian 都是素食主义 We all eat hay and oats 都吃干草和燕麦 Why be at each other*s throat? 干嘛要互相为难? You gotta share 要分享 You gotta care 要关爱 It*s the right thing to do 这样才是正途 And there*ll always be a way 总是会有出路 Thro-o-o-o-ugh! (这句话挖空了脑洞也想不出怎么翻译)
备受追捧Becoming popular,第二季第九集插曲 [Rarity] I*llbe the toast of the town, the girl on the go 我会是全城的明星,最受追捧的女孩 I*mthe type of pony everypony, everypony should know 我是那种所有小马,所有小马都应该认识的女孩 I*llbe the one to watch, the girl in the flow 我会成为时尚领袖引领潮流 I*mthe type of pony everypony, everypony should know 我是那种所有小马,所有小马都应该认识的女孩 Becomingas popular as popular can be 变得尽可能家喻户晓 Makingmy mark, making my mark in high society 在上层社会,在上层社会打响名气 I*mthe belle of the ball, the star of the show, yeah 我是舞会的王后,秀场的明星,耶 I*mthe type of pony everypony, everypony should know 我是那种所有小马,所有小马都应该认识的女孩 Seehow they hang on every word that I speak 看他们如何倾听我说的每一个字 Myapproving glance is what they all seek 我赞许的眼神是他们的追求 I*mthe crème de la crème, not just another Jane Doe 我是明星中的明星,不再是平凡角色 I*mthe type of pony everypony should know 我是那种所有小马所有小马都应该认识的女孩 Athome, at the opera, on a fancy yacht 在歌剧院,在豪华游艇 Becomingthe talk, the talk of all of Canterlot 被整个中心城津津乐道 I*mthe crème de la crème, not just another Jane Doe, yeah 我是明星中的明星,不再是平凡角色,耶 I*mthe type of pony everypony, everypony should know 我是那种所有小马,所有小马都应该认识的女孩 BecauseI*m the type of pony 因为我是那种所有小马 Yes,I*m the type of pony 是的,我是那种所有小马 Yes,I*m the type of pony everypony should know 是的,我是那种所有小马所有小马都应该认识的女孩