【“二”用英文怎么说】1.They are not that thick.他们没那么“二”。2.How thick could you get?你还能再“二”一点吗? 3、Thick heads! 蠢货。4.But sometimes, you can be really thick!但是有时候,你可真够“二”的。 5.You clown! 你真二! ————二勋
【交通禁止标志】1. No joywalking 禁闯红灯;2. No Parking 禁止停车;3. No Entry 不准入内;4. Keep Right 不准左转;5. Keep Left 不准右转;6. No Turns 不准掉头;7. No Passing/No Through Traffic 禁止通行;8. No honking 禁止鸣喇叭;9. No Waiting 不准等候
【美剧口语】①I'm out.我不干了.②I got a bone to pick with you.我对你有意见.③You always get your way.你一直为所欲为.④It's close.差不多.⑤Knock yourself out.请便吧.⑥Whatever you like.随你喜欢.⑦Stop being crazy for a second.先别发疯.⑧Let's be reasonable.理智点.—