动漫展的见面会已经结束了。大家压根没提fight club续集拍电影的事情......估计是没戏了
David Fincher: "Fox marketed Fight Club mostly on the World Wrestling Federation. That*s when I knew we were doomed."
Fox Marketing wanted to buy WWF ad spots for FIGHT CLUB, Fincher joked that the film was too homoerotic for that.
Fincher on Fox*s challenge marketing #FightClub: "men don*t want to see Brad Pitt shirtless, and women don*t want to see fighting."
Fincher took Brad Pitt to a FIGHT CLUB marketing meeting. Reaction? "I think it*s a little homoerotic - even for World Wrestling."
David Fincher: "They wanted to make Fight Club without a voiceover. So I fired that producer."
David Fincher: "My daughter had a friend named Max. She told me Fight Club is his fav movie. I told her never to talk to Max again."
Fincher: "FIGHT CLUB sold 13 million DVDs. It paid for itself."
"People offend waaaaay too easily." Fincher on audiences who watched FIGHT CLUB at test screenings.
David Fincher: "Fight Club is about moving thru a modern disconnected society. It*s a satire. Many don*t get that."
Palahniuk: "Fight Club sold less than 5,000 copies."Fincher: "I read it & couldn*t stop laughing. I tried to buy it the next day!"