严格说来不算诺顿的新闻,但是因为Fight Club续集要问世这件事实在关系到全球发展(喂~),各方非常重视(其实我最在意的还是FC 2会不会拍成电影?是不是原班人马演出?),之前作者一直保密,到昨天才终於透露剧情细节,我把原文贴出来大家参考下。PS. 这个记者显然也是个FC粉,运用各种经典语句,他说的第一段也是我想说的,哈哈!Chuck Palahniuk Finally Shares Details on the Fight Club 2 Comic bookby Dan Van Winkle, Tuesday, July 22nd 2014 at 11:27 am
Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk is finally dropping details on the Fight Club 2 comic book. Am I asleep? Have I slept? Is this some kind of awesome dream? To test, I want you to hit me as hard as you can.Fight Club 2 is coming in 2015 in the form of a 10-issue Dark Horse Comics maxiseries illustrated by Cameron Stewart. Palahniuk’s Fight Club novel was originally released in 1996, and its amazing, David Fincher-directed movie adaptation hit theaters in 1999. After that, Palahniuk was pretty sure he was done with Fight Club, but in the years in between, something has changed, and that’s actually kind of what the sequel is about.The sequel’s story picks up about ten years after the original, and the unnamed narrator (Edward Norton in the movie) has since married Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), who is also the mother of their 9-year-old son Junior. As Palahniuk told USA Today, the original was “such a tirade against fathers—everything I had thought my father had not done combined with everything my peers were griping about their fathers. Now to find myself at the age that my father was when I was trashing him made me want to revisit it from the father’s perspective and see if things were any better and why it repeats like that.”