Classification of offenders began with the work of statistics.罪犯分类始于统计工作。
This early work permitted a comparison of the incidence of crime with factors, such as race, age, sex, education, and geography (Rennie, 1977).这种早期的工作比较犯罪的发生率通过以下因素,如种族,年龄,性别,教育和地域
Cesare Lombrosos, the famed Italian physician, is generally credited with launching the scientific era in criminology.Cesare Lombrosos,著名的意大利医生,因发展了科学时代的犯罪模式而成为权威
In 1872 he differentiated five types of criminals— the born criminal, the insane criminal, the criminal by passion, the habitual criminal, and the occasional criminal (Lindesmith & Dunham 1941)— based on Darwin’s theory of evolution.1872年,他区分五种类型的罪犯,天生罪犯,癫狂罪犯,激情罪犯,惯犯,偶犯(Lindesmith与Dunham 1941年) - 根据达尔文的进化理论。
The operational definitions for the five groups that were developed allowed subsequent investigators to test Lombrosos’s formulations empirically.这发展出来的五种分类的定义允许后续的研究者实证分析Lombrosos的理论。
A majority of his hypotheses and theories proved to be invalid, but the fact that they were testable was an advancement for the science (Megargee & Bohn, 1979).他大部分的假设和理论被证明是无效的,但他们是可测试的这个事实是科学的进步(梅加吉&博恩,1979)。