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孤竹文化斑竹前些日子发了几张《TRAMPS IN DARK MONGOLIA》这本书的照片,我费了很大力气终于找到了这本唯一一本存世完整的出版于一个世纪前的书,这本书很大篇幅介绍了卢龙,我会把这些关于卢龙的部分都翻译出来供大家参考,我想这本书的发现,是今年卢龙文化界的一大盛事。
当我打开这本书的时候,霉味充斥了整个房间,告诉了我这本书是多么古老,有的人可能觉得它一文不值,而我此时此刻就是给我一座金山,也不会放弃它,我怀着万分激动的心情打开了这本书,一个世纪前一个叫JOHN HEDLEY的外国人踏上了家乡的土地,他写了很多关于家乡的事情,也拍了照片,那我们就随着这位外国人的足迹再走一遍,翻译的不好,大家海涵,也希望大家补充说明,我在网上查了很久,没有发现这本书任何英文的丝足马迹,这样我就不用打英文字了,希望破灭了,证明这本书太古老了,古老的让人们都忘记了她的存在,我想我把英文也打出来,这样就节省了其他研究这本书的学者的时间。翻译的过程中得到了孤竹文化斑竹,古城醉人,三秋雨,望乡老五等众多老乡的帮助,一并致谢。

1楼2014-06-14 21:24回复

    Hence our old city of YUNG P'ING FU,quiet,sleepy,modest as she is,occupies in the mind of the Chinese scholar to-day aposition of honour and esteem that is held by comparatively few of her manygreat cities.The casual visitor ,ignorant of her history,would see but littleto interest him in her rough,uneven street:the large open spaces within thewalls might tempt him to call upon the people to lock the door lest the cityshould run out:and he would probably turn away with the feeling that he hadbeen for ten minutes or so plunged into an ancient sleepy hollow ,wherebusiness drags a weary length along and the hurry and bustle of modern life hasnot yet found its way.Not so however,the dwellers within its walls ,or theforeign resident from a far country .To these the old city possesses manycharms, and the historic imagination sees in YUNG P'ING FU the centre of atleast one worthy episode of the past and remembers that long before many famouscities of the West had sprung into being,she was the capital of a kingdom andthe scene of daring deeds.

    3楼2014-06-14 21:32

      7楼2014-06-14 21:50
        On the occasion of this Russian visit the Prefect,a Manchu of the olden type, was asked if he possessed any armaments in the city,was asked if he possessed any armaments in the city.His answer was in the negative,but unfortunately for him and the city the visitors looked for themselves ,and in the wall tower over the wast gate found a number of ancient useless cannon and two or three pieces of modern artillery.The delay the old Prefect was beaten five hundred blows in the street,and the "Hsien,"or county magistrate,received two hundred.The tower in which the guns were found was blown to smithereens, while the Hsien official was forced with his own hand to set fire to the central city tower,which to this day remains in its ruins,a silent but reproving reminder of the visit of the wild Cossacks from the north.
        俄国人曾一度造访当地满族行政长官,问他城中是否有武器。官员回答说没有。结果不幸从他本人及百姓开始。 俄国人自己从城墙上发现了很多废弃的土大炮和三架新火炮。满族长官因此当街被打500大板,县长200大板。发现炮的城墙被打成碎片。县长被逼亲手点火炮打城中的塔。如今只剩城塔废墟静静的提醒后来人,来自北方野蛮的哥萨克人所犯的罪行。

        Passing along the eastern arm of the city wall,you will next observe an ancient look-out tower,from which in former days men watched for the beacon lights that flashed messages between cities and provinces.That is the highest point of the wall,and is fully 200 feet above the road that was once the main channel of communication between the Chinese and Manchu capitals.Little temples ,quaint and varied ,dot the wall here and there ,the most picturesque being perhaps the Kuei Hsing Lou,or temple to the God of Literature ,built on the south wall and directly facing the examination hall,This is an open shrine of octagonal shape,the figure poised on one leg and with one arm threateningly raised on one leg and with one arm threateningly raised looking more like an ancient prophet come to judgment than a patron of the quiet, dignified men who aspire to walk in the ways of Confucius.

        8楼2014-06-14 21:51
          It may perhaps not be quite orthodox in a missionary to declare it,but it is quier true that to the man of reverent and worshipful spirit there is nothing to offend the sight in a Cinfucian temple.There may be dust and dirt,but there is also quietness and dignity,a sense of human character.And one might commune with his spirit and be still ,and pass upward to the higher communion with the Father of all men, as surely in a Confucian temple of China as in the noble pile of St.Paul's in London or the marble poem of stately Milan.In these temples twice a month the officials go to pay homage to the great sage,recently deified as the Most Holy,and save on these fortnightly and somewhat perfunctory observances,the temples are left severely alone,things to be admired and wondered at,but not used too frequently or familiarly .
          注:圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul's Cathedral),坐落于英国伦敦,以其壮观的圆形屋顶而闻名,是世界第二大圆顶教堂。是世界五大教堂之一,世界第五大教堂。是英国古典主义建筑的代表。
          米兰大教堂(Church of Duomo),意大利著名的天主教堂,米兰大教堂用白色大理石砌成,是欧洲最大的大理石建筑,有“大理石山”之称。美国作家马克吐温称之为“大理石的诗”。

          10楼2014-06-14 21:54
            Mention of the two rivers flowing past YUNG P'ING FU leads me to speak of them more fully.The larger of the two,the Lan Ho,rises in the distant plains of Mongolia over 400 miles north -west,and flows down through some of the grandest and wildest mountain scenery that North China can show.The Ch'ing Lung (Bright Dragon) River has its source in the hills some 80 miles north of the Great Wall,through which it passes at T'ao Lin K'ou (Peach Grove Pass),and is navigable by boats for only a comparatively short distance beyond the city.Joining with the Lan River at YUNG P'ING FU ,they form a wide and swiftly running stream that empties itself into the Gulf of Pechihli,50miles fuither down.
            The scenery from YUNG P'ING FU to Lanchou,a short distance of 12 miles,is of the most pleasing description ,and few more enjoyable trips can be made over such a short distance.Sheltered amid the hills is the little village of Ts'ai Chia Fen,so named from the presence of the graveyard of the Ts'ai family,for such is the translation of the local name .This is a beautiful old cemetery dating back some three hundred years,terraced in white marble and crowned with a massive white memorial arch which leads to the burying-ground proper.Surmounting the graveyard is a beautiful firclad hill:the graves are kept in excellent repair,and the place has been aptly described as bearing more resemblance to the pastoral beauty of England than anything else to be seen in this pare of China.The Ts'ai family ,in olden times,was a clan of more than local importance,the founder of the family being high in Inperial favour i the days of the Ming dynasty.When the present Manchu rulers overthrew the last Ming dynasty.When the present Manchu rulers overthrew the last Ming emperor and seated themselves on the dragon throne,Ts'ai Ta Jen transferred his allegiance to the conquerors ,and is ,when he is thought of at all,held in execration by all true Chinese patriots.Compensation,however ,is found in the fact that the Manchu records speak of him in terms of highest praise.Yet his clan has fallen on evil times.There are now no official represenatives of what was once a great family,nor have there been for many long years.Nothing remains of their ancient grandeur save the lovely cemetery among the hills and a few insignificant villagers bearing the old name.

            12楼2014-06-14 22:14
              But the most conspicuous building on the Lan Ho lies 7 miles west of the city.This is the "Yi Ch'i,miao,"or the temple of Po Yi and Shu Ch'i ,already named in this chapter.This is very fine specimen of Chinese architecture ,erected to commemorate the virtues of the two famous brothers,and honoured above most in that on two separate occasions it was visited by the Emperor of his visits in a stone tablet bearing some of his wen handwriting extolling the conduct of the heroes of YUNG P'ING FU ,or more correctly speaking,the heroes of the Lonely Bamboo Kingdom.The temple stands at the foot of a group of picturesque hills,while the Lan river winds underneath the large wall that encircles the bulildings,making the situation one of great charm.There are no priests resident in this temple ,and while on occasion the officials will visit in state to worship at the dual shrine ,the temple is principally useful in that it provides quarters for a small company of soldiers set to keep the peace of the neighbourhood,In the city itself,just facing the street chapel of the United Methodist Mission ,is a memorial arch erected to the honour of the two brothers ,while a little further along the same street is an insignificant temple built with similar intent.

              14楼2014-06-14 23:17

                16楼2014-06-15 03:27

                  17楼2014-06-15 03:32
                    YUNG P'ING FU has historic interests of another kind connected with the overthrow of the Ming dynasty and the establishment of the present Manchu rule.Standing on what was once the main road between Peking and Mukden,here in 1644 was fought one of the fierce battles that helped to place the Manchus in possession of China .General Wu San Kuei ,then commandant at Shan Hai Kuan,had asked the aid of the Manchu soldiers to rid the country of the rebel Li Tse Ch'eng ,little dreaming that once beyond the pass they would not be easily persuaded to go back.The allies met the rebel forces on the banks of the river at YUNG P'ING FU ,and Li Tse Ch'eng sufferde a terrible defeat .Then came the first Manchu emperor ,Shun Chih,through the city,sleeping one night in some inn outside the south gate.But but when he passed he left behind him some of his supporters ,and YUNG P'ING FU to-day has some one hundred families of Manchus living within its walls,descendants of the wild men who followed their prince and shared his fortunes in 1644.
                    Much of the ancident glory has departed from our city.The coming of the iron horse,passing through Lanchou and Ch'ang Li ,and leaving the prefectural city 12miles away to the nouth among the hills,has robbed her of much of her offcial prestige and business.But nothing can rob her of the records of her past,and many of her quiet old scholars still think proudly of their city as she was thought of in the days of her prime ,and at least one Western"barbarian"has allowed some of her old-world charm to steal into his heart ,and make reflection upon his association with her a matter of constant pleasure.

                    18楼2014-06-15 03:43

                      24楼2014-06-16 00:07