permanent 永久的
retain 保持
modesty 谦逊
soandso 某某人(事)variation 变奏曲
pinnacle 巅峰
all the more 更加
whisker 连鬓胡子,髯making a fortune 赚钱,发财
otherwise 另外
January 26th
Chopin in High Society
At age 21 Polish composer Frederick Chopin left hisnative country, little knowing that the departure would be permanent. Within ayear he was a great success in Paris as a pianist and teacher. But he retainedhis modesty and good humor in a letter to a friend back home:
I have gotten into the highest society. I sit withambassadors, princes, ministers, and don‘t even know how it has happened becauseit didn‘t result from any effort of mine. It is necessary for me because goodtaste is supposed to depend on it. Right away you supposedly have a biggertalent if you‘ve been heard at the English or Austrian embassy. You play betterif princess soandso was your protector.
Although this is only my first year among the artistshere, I have their friendship and respect. People with huge reputationsdedicate their compositions to me before I do so to them. People composevariations on my themes. Finished artists take lessons from me and compare mewith John Field.
If I were even more stupid than I am, I would considermyself at the pinnacle of my career, but I know how much I still lack to attainperfection. I see it all the more clearly now that I live only among firstrateartists and know what each one of them lacks.
Anyway, maybe you haven‘t forgotten what mypersonality is like. I am today what I was yesterday, with just this onedifference—I now have one whisker. The other still refuses to grow.
I have five lessons to give today. You think I‘mmaking a fortune? Carriages and white gloves cost more, and without them Iwouldn‘t be in good taste. Otherwise I care nothing for money, only forfriendship, and I pray that I still have yours.
沃尔夫冈·阿玛迪乌斯·莫扎特Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756~1791)
permanent 永久的
retain 保持
modesty 谦逊
soandso 某某人(事)variation 变奏曲
pinnacle 巅峰
all the more 更加
whisker 连鬓胡子,髯making a fortune 赚钱,发财
otherwise 另外
January 26th
Chopin in High Society
At age 21 Polish composer Frederick Chopin left hisnative country, little knowing that the departure would be permanent. Within ayear he was a great success in Paris as a pianist and teacher. But he retainedhis modesty and good humor in a letter to a friend back home:
I have gotten into the highest society. I sit withambassadors, princes, ministers, and don‘t even know how it has happened becauseit didn‘t result from any effort of mine. It is necessary for me because goodtaste is supposed to depend on it. Right away you supposedly have a biggertalent if you‘ve been heard at the English or Austrian embassy. You play betterif princess soandso was your protector.
Although this is only my first year among the artistshere, I have their friendship and respect. People with huge reputationsdedicate their compositions to me before I do so to them. People composevariations on my themes. Finished artists take lessons from me and compare mewith John Field.
If I were even more stupid than I am, I would considermyself at the pinnacle of my career, but I know how much I still lack to attainperfection. I see it all the more clearly now that I live only among firstrateartists and know what each one of them lacks.
Anyway, maybe you haven‘t forgotten what mypersonality is like. I am today what I was yesterday, with just this onedifference—I now have one whisker. The other still refuses to grow.
I have five lessons to give today. You think I‘mmaking a fortune? Carriages and white gloves cost more, and without them Iwouldn‘t be in good taste. Otherwise I care nothing for money, only forfriendship, and I pray that I still have yours.
沃尔夫冈·阿玛迪乌斯·莫扎特Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756~1791)