An artist with a unique perspective – Alex MacLean takes us out of the streetsand into the skies, giving a glimpse of a miniature, toy-like world as hereduces humanity down to the size of a model. 一位具有独特视角的艺术家-亚历克斯麦克莱恩把我们的街道和天空变幻成一个微观世界, 把人们的活动缩放至如童话般的世界
But this miniature toy-town is veryreal. Photographing from 5,000 feet, Alex MacLean’s extraordinary images revealthe complexities and absurdities of contemporary life across America andEurope. 但这种微观童话都市却都是现实世界,这些照片是从5000英尺(约1.5公里高)高度拍摄的,亚历克斯麦克莱恩的独特照片揭示出欧美当代复杂而荒谬的生活
A fully licensed pilot, Maclean uses his Cessna 182 aeroplane to explorethe world recording landscapes, architecture and human behaviour from a bird’s eye view. 一张完全许可的飞行执照,麦克莱恩用他的塞斯纳182飞机去探索世界并拍下风景,模仿鸟类视角观察建筑物和人类行为