Acts with the Most Entries:(歌曲入选最多的歌手/乐队)
The Beatles: 23
The Rolling Stones: 14
Bob Dylan: 12
Elvis Presley: 11
The Beach Boys: 7
Jimi Hendrix: 7
U2: 7
Chuck Berry: 6
James Brown: 6
Prince: 6
Led Zeppelin: 6
Sly and the Family Stone: 6
(Led Zeppelin出奇的少哦。)
Scoring the Decades:(入选歌曲的发表年代)
1940-49: 1
1950-59: 71
1960-69: 202
1970-79: 144 1980-89: 55
1990-99: 24 2000-04: 3 (6,70年代果然是最猛的!!)
Most Popular Words in Song Titles:(入选歌曲最常出现的单词)
Love/Loving: 43
Rock/Rockin': 8
Babe/Baby: 8
Sweet: 7
Rain: 7
Acts with the Most Entries:(歌曲入选最多的歌手/乐队)
The Beatles: 23
The Rolling Stones: 14
Bob Dylan: 12
Elvis Presley: 11
The Beach Boys: 7
Jimi Hendrix: 7
U2: 7
Chuck Berry: 6
James Brown: 6
Prince: 6
Led Zeppelin: 6
Sly and the Family Stone: 6
(Led Zeppelin出奇的少哦。)
Scoring the Decades:(入选歌曲的发表年代)
1940-49: 1
1950-59: 71
1960-69: 202
1970-79: 144 1980-89: 55
1990-99: 24 2000-04: 3 (6,70年代果然是最猛的!!)
Most Popular Words in Song Titles:(入选歌曲最常出现的单词)
Love/Loving: 43
Rock/Rockin': 8
Babe/Baby: 8
Sweet: 7
Rain: 7