From the brown wig used for the ARTPOP photo shoot, to the white dreadlocks, from the paper outfit worn on Good Morning America, to the seashell bikini, 2013 was a year of reinvention for Lady Gaga, not only on a musical level. So we at Lady Gaga Now picked her 20 best looks which you can see them all below!
ARTPOP拍摄所用的棕色假发,穿着白色礼服的长发仙女,早安美国节目所穿的纸造服,还有过目难忘贝壳比基尼装,2013是Lady Gaga的复出年,不仅仅只在音乐方面,所以我们在ladygaganow网站把她最好的20个造型贴出来。