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回复:【英文诗与文】 reflections of times past



来自iPhone客户端177楼2014-01-23 00:10
    「Another Day」
    The crack of dawn,
    Lit by the fires of desire.
    Armies of workers take to the street,
    Waiting for life changing events to transpire.
    The lull of noon, to come and go,
    A brief repast in this ebb and flow.
    And back again, to the day to day,
    Forever hoping, that they’ll forge their way.
    As dusk draws near, and the weary marches,
    Drearily, back to their respective pastures.
    What’s there to do, with another day gone,
    But to await the crack of dawn.

    来自iPhone客户端181楼2014-01-23 23:29

      来自iPhone客户端182楼2014-01-23 23:43
        The sinking void of the decades,
        Cloud my thoughts of reason.
        The black miasma of despair,
        To coincide with the bleak rainy season.
        Agony arches through the body and soul,
        In an attempt to find a place to reside.
        It has been so long now,
        There is no reason to hide.
        Numbness the only respite,
        And the will to carry on despite.
        Time, like a waterfall, it cascades,
        The sinking void of the decades.

        来自iPhone客户端187楼2014-01-24 23:31

          来自iPhone客户端197楼2014-01-25 15:46
            Glistening like jewels in the light,
            Upon your cheek, sit the tears.
            Only you, to know your plight,
            And the crux of all your fears.
            Some say, tears are shed for naught,
            But you know that is not true.
            Thinking back, all those lessons taught,
            Missed opportunities to pursue.
            And you’ll say to yourself, in the distant years,
            Everything makes sense in hindsight.
            And upon your cheek, sit the tears,
            Glistening like jewels in the light.

            来自iPhone客户端210楼2014-01-28 22:15
              「Tears」 手书。

              来自iPhone客户端212楼2014-01-28 22:43
                The winds of change,
                To mix the familiar with the strange.
                Forever to buffet and blow,
                As the days lengthen and flow.
                Battling a constantly shifting landscape,
                An eternal war to escape the mandate.
                Forever a struggle to adapt,
                Every victory just another trap.
                So many years passed, so strange,
                Footprints litter this path, although.
                The winds of change,
                Continue to buffet and blow.

                来自iPhone客户端214楼2014-01-31 23:14

                  来自iPhone客户端215楼2014-01-31 23:17
                    A spark, to flicker to life,
                    A transient flame, burning bright.
                    Bathed in the golden glow,
                    I behold the mesmerising sight.
                    The warmth spreads like a human’s touch,
                    And gleams like the eye that’s never seen enough.
                    To burn, light a beacon in the night,
                    And to quell the shadows with unending light.
                    An instant is all it takes, to plunge the world into darkness again,
                    A sudden draft, tendrils of smoke in mourning and regret.
                    But a life is left wanting, forced to refrain,
                    Waiting for the flicker again, so as to not forget.

                    来自iPhone客户端219楼2014-02-03 20:40

                      来自iPhone客户端220楼2014-02-03 20:46
                        Funny post for Valentine. Hope Jodie has great sense of humor.

                        来自iPhone客户端228楼2014-02-15 07:01
                          Like flowing sand through your fingers,
                          Time runs forever and never lingers.
                          Reaching the brink, floating, only to return,
                          Makes you treasure every second, a moment to yearn.
                          A darkness black as ink,
                          A crevice to forever sink.
                          A timeless void with echoes of the past,
                          To reverberate against the walls, empty and vast.
                          I make promises to keep when I awake,
                          To erase the footprint of my mistake.
                          The warmth of family and friends light the way,
                          For my weary eye to open and behold the day.

                          来自iPhone客户端232楼2014-02-24 21:16
                            Raindrops coalesce amongst the gutters and flood the street,
                            The dusts and dirt of time mix, mingle and meet.
                            Again and again, you take me for granted,
                            But I forgive it all, for I will never be disenchanted.
                            When the skies are grey, and the forthcoming storm bodes,
                            I look forward to the future span, of untraveled roads.
                            As I know this transient darkness will not last,
                            And the eternal sun will rise again, in order to light the past.
                            For you I give my all, and more,
                            In the hope of a brighter future, I implore.
                            From above you descend, like an angel,
                            And you know, its love eternal.
                            Years drag, as time takes its toll,
                            A treasure of wealth, and the life it stole.
                            An eternity of toil for naught,
                            Together with words of wisdom and the lessons taught.
                            So long now, have you passed from this place,
                            My memories are etched with paintings of your face.
                            A paintbrush, an attempt to embody eternity,
                            Your beauty, your pain, inscribed into infinite.

                            来自iPhone客户端234楼2014-02-27 20:21
                              As you stare deep within each other’s eyes,
                              All you can see is sunshine and blue skies.
                              Hand in hand, a warmth to treasure,
                              What was only a dream in the past, now a fact forever.
                              Happiness is in your grasp, take it and run,
                              This life is too short to live without love, without fun.
                              Sunshine, and blue skies bless you as you travel the land,
                              And the days pass gracefully, hand in hand.

                              来自iPhone客户端239楼2014-03-06 21:46