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It was the probably most specacular day I have ever spent on the water so far. Nothing was normal today when we headed out in the morning for our first trip. The flat calm water made it easy for us to find the whales and we had the luck of being surrounded by about 20 Sperm Whales in close range – an unusual amount. Next to those beautiful sightings we had Minke Whales showing up every now and then, getting the people on board excited and we could get some nice ID-pictures.

The afternoon seemed to become a more difficult trip as the wind was picking up and there were for some reasons less whales around. I saw one Minke Whale feeding close to the surface and people were watching it while waiting for a Sperm Whale to come back to the surface. Suddenly I saw another Minke Whale nearby but my collegues disagreed and insisted it had been something else, maybe an Orca. I looked at the bad picture I had taken in a rush and although the qualitiy is not good at all, it clearly shows a Minke Whale.