绝望姐妹吧 关注:854贴子:7,285




1楼2013-11-21 23:03回复
    the sun went in and it started over again (Chihiro, Mukuro, 200 words, worksafe)
    Character studies done in dreams, continued
    Mukuro dreams of a bed. She dreams of being strapped in, she dreams she is too tired to move. A flash of pink hair and sharp teeth; she mouths a name but her voice is gone. Her sister looms over her, touches her cheek. I love you, her lips say. I love you, dear sister. Junko leans in so close they share a breath and Mukuro dreams of what she never dared before. A kiss, almost, but Junko rears back, smiles with all her sharp teeth and is gone.
    Mukuro wakes and breathes and prays her sister will never know.

    Chihiro dreams of a closet. Chihiro dreams of wall-to-wall clothing, of pretty dresses and pretty skirts. Everything a girl could ever want.
    Chihiro dreams all the pretty things turn to ash and disappear, of voices in the darkness. You’re not a girl, you’re not a boy, you’re a freak. Chihiro wants to say I’m a boy, I’m a girl, I’m me and I am strong, but all that comes out is I don’t know. I can be whatever I want but all that comes out is I don’t know.
    Chihiro wakes, and Chihiro cries, and Chihiro wishes to finally decide.

    5楼2013-11-21 23:44
      “egoat: i mean it’s like yo
      Malum: yo
      Malum: yoyoyoyoyoyoyo
      Malum: dawg
      egoat: yo
      Malum: yo lets go yo some rage yo
      Malum: yo
      egoat: dawg yo yo yo yo
      Malum: bitch
      Malum: magnets, bitch
      Malum: yo
      egoat: AS I WAS SAYING YO
      Malum: Yo
      egoat: why would you take like the characters with the least screentime yo
      egoat: and like
      egoat: incest that shit, yo
      egoat: i mean, yo
      egoat: that ain’t right
      Malum: yeah also she murdered her sister
      Malum: in cold blood
      Malum: that isn’t really a sign of love
      Malum: yo
      egoat: there’s a certain screentime you have to show of two characters yo
      egoat: before you can go incestin’ that yo
      egoat: this is my only moral code
      Malum: they need to talk to eachother at least once
      egoat: (yo!)
      Malum: incest, bitch.
      Malum: JESSE
      Malum: I’M OUT MR WHITE
      egoat: ok there’s a sister inside that cell
      egoat: if we put the other sister against the wall of the cell
      egoat: we can demagnetize
      egoat: their incest
      Malum: JESSE
      Malum: JESSE
      Malum: uh
      Malum: fuck
      Malum: that tilde
      Malum: wasn’t
      egoat: oh my god
      Malum: suppsoed
      Malum: gdslh.dfc
      Malum: fgdkfj,h
      egoat: OH JESSE~
      Malum: that was an accident
      Malum: fuck
      egoat: #methcest”
      — regarding mukuro x junko

      6楼2013-11-21 23:45


        9楼2013-11-21 23:52


          11楼2013-11-21 23:55
            Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! I wrote emotionally manipulative sisters kissing. Just something small, monstrously unedited and basic.
            ratings &c under the cut
            warnings: incest, no sex but some underage boob groping, emotional manipulation, justification/enjoyment of and internalization of said mistreatment, general Junko horribleness and a mutual feedback loop of unhealthy attractions.
            I figured why not capitalize on this conventional symbol of the holiday and drive it into the ground as despairingly as possible.
            Takes place in some nebulous asshole of a pre-timeline, before they were separated when young.
            Junko lies about most things, but only sometimes.
            The camera is her friend, as much as she is in the habit of keeping friendships – fondness, like pain, is a distant concept she is only absently aware of. Film captures her charisma, and Junko captures readers’ hearts and doesn’t give them back. She is consistently popular, famous on the internet and on the lips of adoring men and girls.
            She’s barely out of childhood.
            Junko commands attention from all angles. There is so deep a magnetism to her that even all the light in the room seems to point at her. With her eye pressed to the viewfinder, Mukuro realizes that through a lens Junko is nothing compared to her as she is standing in the middle of the room, commanding and captivating.
            Unlike Mukuro, Junko filled out early and fast. Her proportions are perfect, her measurements a numerical miracle. Some days she looks twice her age and is capable of acting it - when she isn’t acting three, or ancient, or alien.
            “What’s wrong? You’ve got something on your <i>faaaaaace</i>.” Junko giggles, scrapes her tongue through her teeth thoughtfully. Thinking of nothing in particular, the way she does. “Oh! That’s just you. Easy mistake.”
            She smiles and winks, and it’s like someone sighting down a scope. Will whoever sees these pictures know that, before the light ever exposed the silver, there was a girl on the other side of the lens being pierced through?
            “Mm. I’ve never done this before.”
            “We should take some more.” Junko’s fingers fan wide under the hem of her shirt as she slides it up. Head canting to the side, she sends her fingers winding, up the center of her chest to crawl into the hollow of her throat.
            Mouth desert-dry, Mukuro manages a swallow before saying, “If you’re done, then I have other things I should probably be doing.”
            “My work is never done. We wouldn’t want anyone to get bored with the same-old sorry junk story.” Junko’s hands are in her hair. She’s wearing glitter, or maybe that’s just the light. Her cardigan falls lower on her legs than her shorts do: They are too tight in the inseam.
            “I’m not sure these are acceptable submissions.”
            “Well, we can’t just go to a purikura booth. Those might actually look like professional pictures.” Compared to yours. That’s what Junko means.
            These things she says, it isn’t as though Mukuro can’t handle them. She is faster and stronger than her twin; it would be impossible to physically coerce her into anything she didn’t acquiesce to. Unless Junko took her by surprise in some unprecedented way, she can expect and endure it all. Those times Junko has dragged her across the floor by the hair or stood on her with pencil-thin stilettos, she could pull away, but there is a comfort in the misery of it. Being reminded that you are nothing is better than feeling nothing.
            “It’s a shame, I guess. These submissions could show those bastards at Edge what they’re missing.”
            Junko drops her pose and grows larger very quickly in the viewfinder. No surprises. Her approach is obvious and without finesse, and by the tine Mukuro lowers the camera Junko is inches from her face. Every inhale and she can smell her shampoo, her perfume, her lipgloss. Even when she inserts herself into Mukuro’s bed at night and clings fitfully to her back, she smells nice.
            “Isn’t that always the problem? They can look, but they can’t … touch.” Junko takes Mukuro’s hand and places it on her breast, the warm curve filling her palm. Between her fingers, she can feel skin and stitching and not Junko’s heartbeat, but her own hammers with such ferocity that her shirt pulses along with it.
            Their hands are the same size and shape. Junko’s fingers match hers perfectly when she places their hands together and presses Mukuro’s hand harder against her, flexing her fingers until they begin to close. In her head the blood pounds and pounds and whistles, a soft shrill sound in the hollow of her ear.
            “There’s a lot they don’t get, right?” Now the rhythm under her fingers is noticeable. Junko’s heart beats very faintly, steady, slow.
            Junko releases her fingers, but Mukuro doesn’t bring her hand away. Not yet. She fingers the buttonhole on the cardigan, drawing her palm roughly, deliberately down.
            "Ouch!" Junko lies. “I know exactly what you’re thinking.” Her mischief piles up with a moan that is anything but accidental. “’No way my little sister can be so hot’, right?”
            Mukuro hardly feels anything about anyone anymore, but Junko makes her feel everything at once. That’s despair, that void pooling and emptying out, nothing to everything and back to nothing, blood pulsing.
            Mukuro pulls her hand away and runs until she reaches her room. Junko likes it when she runs. You can run and run and far away Junko will be there to find you because the world bends to her, bows around her like the light.
            Frustration is just another forgotten, Junko-dependent emotion, interfering with calculated thought at action. She is afraid to feel.
            “’… Show those bastards at Edge what they’re missing,’” she vents, pacing at the foot of her bed. They sound enough alike. That’s never been the problem. The effort Mukuro expends making the cadence of her voice match Junko’s ups and downs takes as much energy as breathing.
            It’s the tantrum she cannot muster. Even shaking and pulsing with the adrenaline there is an energy Mukuro cannot muster, an attitude that is forever Junko’s and never hers. Passion cannot be fabricated, and she doesn’t care about anything.
            “Oh, Sis, Sis, Sis, Sis, Sis, Mukuro, Sis. You’re getting way better at this.”
            Mukuro wishes that she’d heard her coming. Draped across the doorway, Junko is haloed all around with light from the hall. Light follows her everywhere. She is wearing only the cardigan, buttons open low, her bra, no shorts.
            Blood rushes not to her ears but her face, and Mukuro is hot all over with the flush from her embarrassment. Humiliation burns and it is slow.
            “Can I come in?”
            Junko will come in anyway, and does. Mukuro is already thinking of the way she will heel at her teasing and torment by the time her sister hugs her from behind, chest snug against her back. Warm and heavy, like the swell of her breast in her palm.
            The stick and shine of lip gloss clings to the nape of her neck where Junko kisses her. She clasps her hands over Mukuro’s heart; even when the fingers sneak beneath her collar she lets them splay and linger there. Their hands are the same size and shape, but Mukuro’s fingers are already growing calluses and Junko pastes rhinestones on the tips of her nails.
            “You’re so cute when you try to be better than you are. My brave, strong big sister. ”

            15楼2013-11-22 00:29
              DRESS-UP [JUNKO/MUKURO]
              Junko decides that Mukuro’s normal outfits aren’t very fashionable, so she gets her some new clothes.
              Fic is under the cut! It’s SFW with some despaircest subtext.
              “Why do I need a new outfit?” Mukuro asks, sitting up on her bed. “My usual clothes are fine, aren’t they?”
              Standing in the doorway to her sister’s room, Junko huffs and gives her twin a dubious look. “Army green only goes so far!” she says, taking a step forward. The white plastic bag in her hands rustles with the movement, and Mukuro gives it a quick glance before returning her attention to the girl holding it. “If you’re going to be the twin of a Super High School Level Fashion Girl, you should at least make an effort to look presentable. Being a disappointment doesn’t mean you have to dress like one.” she explains, tossing the bag to her sister.
              Mukuro doesn’t bother protesting- she thinks she looks fine, but there’s no sense arguing with Junko over clothing-related things. Besides, Junko just gave her a present- how long has it been since that last happened? So she opens the bag, pulls out its contents, and…
              “… S-seriously?” the dark-haired girl stutters, staring incredulously at the object in her hands. She’d been expecting something like a sharp new pair of jeans and maybe a cardigan, or even just a nice shirt, but this was… She never would have expected getting a dress; much less a full sweet Lolita outfit. Mukuro could feel her cheeks heating up already.
              “Isn’t it adorable?!” Junko squeals, clasping her slender hands together. “I saw it while I was out shopping the other day, and I couldn’t resist!”
              “W-well… yeah, but…” the blushing twin starts, eyes not leaving the dress. “I… Are you sure I’m going to look good in this? This really, um, I mean, this would probably be cuter on you…”
              The twintailed girl drops her hands and narrows her eyes. “Are you saying you don’t like it?” she asks, voice cold. Mukuro looks up almost immediately, her own eyes meeting Junko’s icy glare. “I go out of my way to get my worthless sister a present, and this is the response I’m given?” She takes another step towards her sister, not once breaking eye contact.
              “No no no, I do like it! Really!” This isn’t entirely the truth- Mukuro really doesn’t feel like this style suits her- but she does have to admit that the dress would be sort of cute on someone else. Dammit; why is she so terrible with words?! As her mind races to think of something else to say, Junko opens her mouth to speak.
              “Oh, good!” she responds cheerfully. “You should try it on, then!” The blonde girl giggles, flashing Mukuro that nearly-predatory grin of hers.
              The dark-haired girl doesn’t particularly enjoy playing dress-up, but she decides that this is a much better outcome than whatever pissed-off-Junko would have done to her. Moving the bag and its contents onto her bedsheets, Mukuro stands and raises her hands to remove her necktie. Once it’s off, she sets to work on unbuttoning her shirt.
              … Or, rather, she would be unbuttoning her shirt if Junko weren’t still watching her intently.
              “Could you…” the older girl trails off, tipping her head towards the door. When her sister fails to do anything in response, Mukuro adds, “… maybe give me some privacy?” Probably a long shot, but it’s worth a try.
              The younger simply shakes her head. “You never wear dresses,” she begins, “so I’m sure you’re going to need some help putting it on.”
              Mukuro can’t argue with that. Reluctantly, she resumes undressing, pretending not to notice Junko’s hungry stare.
              A loud squeal resounds through the Enoshima household.
              “It’s so cute! Sis, you’re so cute!”
              The dark-haired girl says nothing, instead choosing to stand pigeon-toed and stare at the rug under her pastel shoes. Her face is likely a more vivid red than Rudolph’s nose by now, although it does go quite nicely with the light pink and white outfit she’s wearing.
              “C-ca… can I take it off now?” Mukuro nearly whimpers, clutching the front of the skirt in embarrassment. “Th-this is really…”
              “Really Super High School Level Adorable?” Junko laughs, hopping up and down excitedly. “Now you just need some makeup!”
              Perhaps taking Junko’s punishment earlier would have been a better option.

              16楼2013-11-22 00:29

                sailor despair sisters

                17楼2013-11-22 00:40

                  19楼2013-11-22 00:45

                    (art by amitie-tan)
                    blind man's buff

                    20楼2013-11-22 14:54
                      i still dont have my celes/junko hatefricks…..

                      22楼2013-11-22 15:19
                        despaircesta réagi à votrebillet:Matsuda/Komaeda porn!!!!!I AM SO HAPPY…
                        I WAS …EXPECTING PICTURES…PIXEL
                        i CANT DRAW PORN IM VER Y SORRY
                        IM TALKING ABOUT THISSSIISIS!!! THIS YEA

                        23楼2013-11-22 15:23
                          condolence high five
                          So real these voices in my head
                          When it comes back you won’t be
                          Scared and lonely
                          You won’t be scared, you won’t be
                          You won’t be scared and lonely
                          You won’t be scared you won’t be lonely
                          Its all because of you
                          I wish you never told me
                          I wake up screaming now
                          So real these voices in my head
                          So real these voices in my head
                          I wake up screaming now
                          I wish you never told me
                          I wish I never knew

                          24楼2013-11-22 15:24
                            despaircest said: omg kaTIE
                            shh. i am cleaning my soul. you may hate me but it ain’t no lie, baby, bye bye bye.

                            25楼2013-11-22 15:26

                              youre very wrong if you think im gonna apologise

                              26楼2013-11-22 15:28