John看着他一系列动作完成,然后继续看报纸。John读到了一起......谋杀案,他正在想要不要叫那个恼人的Sherlock时,Sherlock似乎感应到了似的就一下子把脚拿下来,睁开眼睛,跳了起来,“Oh,no,no,no,John,you see? The life in London is getting more and more boring. For god sake, John,everyone should feel lucky that I am a detetive not a criminal.”
John听着他一口气说完并带着一脸的厌烦,还是不得不点点头,”Yeah, you are not a criminal, yeah. that is lucky, really lucky, Sherlock,and I find …”
“A case, John.” Sherlock面无表情的接道,”And then? You see? Do you get that? Lestrade doesn’t come to get me. So it must be a thing those stupid gays can handle.”
“Er…Ok, that’s ok.”John无奈的回应道,然后又不由得吐出了句,”Sherlock,can you behave like a man that I don’t want to punch on your head?”
“Really?”Sherlock回应道,然后突然想起了什么似的,跑回了房间里。Sherlock扔在沙发上的手机突然响了,John喊了几句Sherlock没有人应声,铃声还是响个不停,于是便走过去拿起手机——”Sherlock,we need your help.”
John一下子就听出那是Lestrade的声音,不由得兴奋了一下,“John Watson.”他回答。”Oh,that doesn’t matter, please tell him, we need help, doctor.“Lestrade的声音再度传来。