现在开始QA 一、论BUG <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> </?xml:namespace> Looks like despite the previous announcement, the EU language fail (English portal in Polish and vice versa with a random sprinkle of German) is alive and well. Good job, EU guys :) 看起来除去现有的声明,欧服的语言沟通问题(英语页面换波兰文页面会夹杂少量的德语)仍然存在。欧服少年们,好样的! (这有什么好样的可言啊!原文如此,不明觉厉!) I
- there is indeed a bug in the average XP gain display, it will be fixed - 在平均XP收获的展示界面确实有个BUG,它会被弄好的。 <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> </?xml:namespace>
二、论狮式的春天 <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> </?xml:namespace> - the Lowe weight decrease will have an impact on the vehicle dynamics (agility, acceleration etc.), but only a small one - 狮式的减重会对整车的动力学模型(比如机动和加速)有一定影响,但只是小影响而已。I
Storm describes how Lowe was buffed: “So, there was the Lowe not bothering anyone. So I was browsing the other day new forum topics (it’s kinda my tradition) and I saw another ‘Lowe needs buff!’ whinetopic. I opened it and checked it out. Then I asked the balancing department: ‘Where is the scan from Doyle’s book?’, balancers sent it to me, I posted it in the topic. At first people calmed down, but they soon started asking ‘And why is the weight different from the one in the table? and the amount of shells? And the depression too?!! And why is the armor in the table 80/100?’ So I took it to the balancing department and they said ‘we balanced Lowe like 100 years ago, maybe we made a mistake’. So I asked ‘Is it difficult to bring the Lowe to the table specs? Would it affect balance a lot?’ The answer was ‘Not difficult, shouldn’t affect balance much. We just don’t know what to do with side armor.’ ‘Okay, find out about the side armor and change it in one of the patches.’ ‘For the armor, we asked Moran (SS: Chieftain, US historian), he asked Doyle and Doyle answered that the 100mm is upper part of the side.’ ‘Will it brake the balance?’ ‘No’ ‘Ok, change the sides too.’ ‘Ok.’” <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> </?xml:namespace> Storm君论狮式的BUFF: “一开始这件事并未对我们造成困扰。有一天我在逛贴吧(这是我的爱好)时,看见了又一个‘狮式不加强没法活啊!’的抱怨贴。我点开看了一下,然后问平衡部的人:‘多耶尔(美国二战坦克研究神级人物)的书的扫描版在哪里?’他们把书发给了我,我把其中的内容发到了帖子上。一开始大家都还心平气和的,但后来就都开始问诸如‘为啥游戏里的重量和书上表格里的不一样?弹药基数也不一样?俯角也不一样?表格里的装甲为什么是80/100?’此类的问题。所以我把大家的抱怨传达给了平衡部,而他们表示‘我们不知道在几百年前平衡的狮式,可能我们那时搞错了。’。所以我问他们:‘按照书中表格的数据平衡狮式有无困难?会不会影响游戏整体平衡性?’,而得到了‘平衡狮式不难,不会对游戏整体平衡性产生大影响,我们只是不知道如何处理侧面装甲。’的回答。所以我说:‘好的,找到相关信息,速度把它更新了。’关于狮式的侧面装甲,我们咨询了莫兰(美国的历史学家,在美服论坛上的叫法是“酋长”),他咨询了多耶尔,而多耶尔回答下面的那一部分厚度是<?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">100mm。我问平衡部:‘这么改会不会破坏平衡?’‘不会。’‘那就这么改侧面装甲。’‘好嘞。’”</?xml:namespace> 从这一段我们可以看出: (1) 平衡部确实存在,但极不靠谱,没有老板催是不大会主动做事的; (2) 有问题要说出来才会有人管; (3) Storm君是个有良心的游戏制作人; (4) 有问题找多耶尔老人家就好。实际上,我都想亲他老人家一口了。I
三、论漫游战 <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> </?xml:namespace> - it’s not yet clear how soon will roaming come, tests are underway - 漫游战正在测试中,但尚不清楚它什么时候可以被引入游戏。I
- in roaming the inscriptions will be automatically disabled because various servers apparently have different inscriptions - 在漫游战中徽章与标语会自动失效,因为不同服务器有太多不同徽章啦。 - (怕你看到别人好看的羡慕嫉妒恨。) I
- Storm states that regarding the roaming, the situation in <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">Asiais problematic, Japanese and Koreans don’t like each other</?xml:namespace> - Storm君表示亚洲服的漫游战是有问题的,因为日本玩家和韩国玩家看不惯对方。 I
- Japanese tank names will be written in latin (in RU client presumably), but based on the Japanese transliteration system - 在俄服中,日系车的名称大概会以日本罗马拼音的方式标注出来。 - (就是像Aoi Sora这样的拼法。)