敖兴吧 关注:5,324贴子:273,517



The eyes never lie… 眼睛从来不会说谎。
Hiiiii-yah! 嗨……呀!
A silent death… 悄无声息的死亡!
Time to strike! 该出击了!
Their final moments approach. 他们的最后时刻要来临了!
For Ionia! 艾欧尼亚万岁!
From the shadows... 要利用好暗影。
I'm aiming for the kneecaps! 我正在瞄准他们的膝盖骨! 【直到我的膝盖中了一箭??】
Yes, they make shurikens this small. 哦天啊,他们把手里剑做得这么小!
Ready! 准备!
Let's do it! 我们上吧!
Yes. Yes! YES! 是!是!是!
I am the wind. 我是风~咻……咻……
Balance in all things. 均衡存乎万物之间。
Steady… 稳住……
They'll never see me coming; well, maybe if they look down… 他们绝对不会发觉我的到来;好吧,假如他们不往下面看的话…… 【。。。】
Big targets are the best - there's more to aim at! 大型目标什么的最好了 - 因为瞄准起来超容易的耶!

IP属地:山西57楼2013-10-13 17:54

    来自Android客户端59楼2013-10-13 17:56
      Time to feast! 用餐时间到了!
      Mmmm…food. 恩恩……吃的!
      Hunger never sleep 饥饿感永远不会休眠!
      Smell soft flesh. 闻到嫩肉的气味了!
      Obey void 谨遵虚空号令!
      Leave no scraps! 片甲不留!
      Chew food, not swallow whole, be gentleman. 用嚼的,别用吞的,要有绅士风度。
      Trumpets army bugle song 从前有个怪物,他一直在吃东西,却怎么也吃不饱。所以到最后,他把他自己也吃掉了!
      Every meal happy meal 每一餐都是开心的一餐。
      We go 我们走吧!
      No rest! 别休息!
      Getting hungry… 我越来越饿了……
      Want meat! 想吃肉!
      Oblivion come 湮灭来袭!
      Maw so empty. 我的胃空空如也!
      Feeding time! 该喂食了!
      Keep coming, not full! 再来吖,我还没吃饱呢!
      Terror coming... daddy coming! 恐怖就要来了……老爸就要来了!

      IP属地:山西60楼2013-10-13 17:57
        一个英雄配个高清壁纸 不写名字了哦

        IP属地:山西61楼2013-10-13 17:58
          Where next?下一个在哪儿呢?
          It's all smoke and mirrors.只不过是镜花水月而已。
          Patience, summoner.要耐心,召唤师
          Tricky, aren't you?你很狡猾,不是么?
          Are you certain?你有把握么?
          Trust me…相信我……
          Classic misdirection经典的误导。
          Looks can be deceiving.外表可是具有欺骗性的。
          Would I lie?我会骗你么?
          Would a Black Rose by any other name smell as sweet?如果“黑玫瑰”叫别的名字,闻起来还会这么香么?
          Time to make an appearance.该现身了。
          There's no escape.谁都别想逃。
          Watch closely…看仔细了!
          What a treat可真难得吖!
          Right where I want them正合我意。
          Surprised to see me?看到我很意外么?
          Don't you know you're in the Danger Zone?你正处在“危险地带”,难道你不知道么?
          Oh thank goodness, for a moment I thought I’d broken a sweat谢天谢地,我还以为会汗流浃背呢!
          For my next trick, I'll make their life bar disappear接下来我要表演的是:将他们的血条弄消失~
          Lying is like, 95% of what I do.我好像95%的时候都在说谎。
          The Black Rose shall bloom once more.“黑玫瑰”将会再次绽放!

          IP属地:山西63楼2013-10-13 18:00
            I'll look into it.我会调查的。
            Covert Ops deployed秘密行动已经部署
            I love it when a plan comes together作战计划什么的,最喜欢了!
            So intense!我好紧张!
            Lighting the way.照亮前进的道路!
            We can do this!我们能够做到!
            Keep positive.保持乐观!
            Bright decision聪明的决定!
            Light mage? I'm just an ordinary mage…光明法师?我只是个普通的法师而已
            Illuminate the enemy!照亮所有敌人!
            Banish the shadows驱逐所有暗影!
            Light 'em up!点亮他们
            Focus on the battle.注意战场形势!
            With superior tactics.我们的战术更加优秀!
            I never think about losing!我从来没想过失败!
            Shh...I'm charging my laser…嘘……我在为我的激光充能……
            With your power level… I suggest you forfeit instead.你们这种战斗力……我建议你们还是投降算了。
            In the name of Demacia I will punish you!我要替德玛西亚行道,消灭你们!
            Double Rainbow? What does it mean? 双重彩虹?那是什么意思?
            Well... A double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining onto droplets of moisture in the atmosphere… Does that explain it?好的……双重彩虹,指的是阳光在透过大气层的湿气时因为折射和反射而出现两道不同彩虹的现象……各位听懂了么?
            Tactical decision summoner真是个深思熟虑的选择,召唤师。

            IP属地:山西65楼2013-10-13 18:03
              Rock solid.坚如磐石!
              Stay down!趴下!
              That's what you get for fighting a rock!这就是和石头战斗的代价!
              Caught between a rock and a hard place.我也是从石头里蹦出来的,为什么我不是猴子呢?
              Got it.收到
              I'm moving as fast as I can!我已经是全速前进了!
              You will lose.你们会输的。

              IP属地:山西67楼2013-10-13 18:05

                IP属地:山西68楼2013-10-13 18:07
                  Oblivion awaits湮灭在等待……
                  It is done完成了
                  Mortality is weakness凡人就是软弱。
                  We demand sacrifice我们要求献祭!
                  Their time is short他们时日无多了。
                  For the Void虚空万岁!
                  Please do not look directly into the void if you have epilepsy, a history of back problems orare pregnant…如果你有癫痫病,请不要直接观察虚空,否则有可能导致妊娠反应。 【我表示 只能。。。。】
                  I think a voidling just came out.哦?你指的是这把我从来不用的小刀么?我是找达斯坦借的,他还老大不愿意呢。
                  Icathia beckons艾卡西亚在召唤!
                  I foresee Armageddon, followed by a grand resurgence of parachute pants我预见了末日浩劫,紧随其后的是降落伞裤的伟大复兴…… 【原来亲才是最时尚的。。】
                  As was foreseen就和曾今预见的一样。
                  In due course用最合适的手法。
                  Second sight ordains it冥冥之中自有天意。
                  It is in motion正在运转。
                  At once马上。
                  We are timeless我们不受岁月左右。
                  Do not challenge fate's will不要挑战命运的意愿。
                  Without question毫无疑问。
                  Come mortal, witness your demise!来吧,凡人,见证你的死亡吧!
                  Bow to the void or be consumed by it要么向虚空鞠躬!要么被虚空吞噬!

                  IP属地:山西69楼2013-10-13 18:07

                    IP属地:山西72楼2013-10-13 18:14
                      Step to正在加速。
                      I'll get it done.交给我吧!
                      Not a problem.没问题。
                      I know what I'm doing.我知道我在做什么!
                      Set sail!扬帆!起航!
                      Sure you can handle me, summoner?你确定能把到我么,召唤师?
                      You've got dangerous eyes. I like that.你有一双摄人心魄的眼睛。我非常喜欢。
                      Don't get cocky.别太自满。
                      I've got a good feeling about this.这样做的感觉真好吖。
                      Keep your eyes off my larboard side, deary请看好我的左舷,宝贝儿。
                      The fun begins.有乐子了!
                      Nothin' but powder monkies除了火药猴以外,什么也没有。
                      I always shoot first.我总是先射。
                      No prey no pay!没有猎物,就没有报酬!
                      Guns blazing.枪口喷着火焰!
                      Boom! Legshot! Hmm.. That doesn’t sound right.嘣!射腿!恩……听起来不太对劲
                      Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself respawning at home.管好你的嘴,小鬼,否则你会发现自己正躺在基地等重生。
                      How do you like my guns 'shock' and 'ahhhhh'这是我的两把枪,一把叫“射!”,另一把叫“啊!”。怎么样,喜欢么?
                      Fortune doesn't favor fools.好运不会眷顾傻瓜。

                      IP属地:山西73楼2013-10-13 18:14

                        IP属地:山西74楼2013-10-13 18:16
                          I shall bring great suffering!我将带来巨大的痛苦!
                          Time to shred.是时候切碎他们了。
                          How delightfully painful!多么令人愉悦的痛苦啊~
                          No pain, no drain…没有痛苦,就吸不到能量。
                          Your sickness sustains me.你们的疾病支撑着我。
                          Affliction forever!痛苦恒久远!
                          This whole living thing is highly overrated.这些活着的东西都被过分地高估了!
                          I shall have my revenge yet!现在我可以复仇了!
                          I like my weapons how I like my music - heavy and metal.我爱我的武器,因为它和我所爱的音乐一样,都是重金属。
                          Misery loves company.福无双至,祸不单行。
                          If I must.如果我必须的话。
                          For great torment.为了巨大的折磨!
                          We shall see…我们到时就知道了……
                          Desolation is coming.目的就快达到了……
                          So be it… summoner. (mocking twinge on "summoner")但愿如此……(嘲讽地语气:)召唤师
                          You only need to click once, fool!只需要点一下就够了,蠢货。
                          Death would be too good for the likes of you.对于和你差不多的人来说,死亡真是太美好了。

                          IP属地:山西75楼2013-10-13 18:16

                            IP属地:山西76楼2013-10-13 18:18
                              We'll bring them pain我们会叫他们好受的!
                              I'll have my revenge我要报仇!
                              They will suffer他们将会痛苦不堪!
                              Without mercy绝不手软!
                              Share my torment享用我的折磨吧!
                              Do not dally请不要闲逛!
                              Feel my pain感受我的痛苦吧!
                              I must have my revenge!我必须去报仇了!
                              Not all angels are good有人说他们上辈子都是折翼的天使……但我上辈子是什么呢?
                              You too will be judged你们也会被审判的!

                              IP属地:山西77楼2013-10-13 18:18