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闲来无事 帮大家把lol里百十来号英雄的台词都给大家找出来看看吧

IP属地:山西1楼2013-10-13 14:29回复


    IP属地:山西2楼2013-10-13 14:30
      I wanna shoot something!我好想射点儿什么!!Wohow!哇哈!Wow!哇呜!wanna see the fireworks?想看焰火吗?Let's get in range!我们再靠近点儿吧!I see… Fireworks!我看到了……焰火!Is that a rocket in your pocket?小小炮娘,很少烦恼~眼望四周焰火飘~Ready, aim, fire!预备,瞄准,射!Kaboom!喀,嘣!!Did you fall down and go boom?你们跌倒了没?崩溃了么?

      IP属地:山西3楼2013-10-13 14:32


        IP属地:山西4楼2013-10-13 14:33
          You wanna play too? It'll be fun!你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟!
          Take that!尝尝这个!
          You wanna play too? It'll be fun!你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟!
          Don't make me hurt you!再烦我就打你哟!
          You smell like... Burning!你闻起来像……烧焦了一样!
          This way!这边儿
          Try to keep up!别掉队吖!
          Have you seen my bear Tibbers?那个……你看见过我的小熊吗?
          Beaten by a little girl!你们好犀利,败给小萝莉,羞羞脸

          IP属地:山西5楼2013-10-13 14:33

            牛头酋长 - 阿利斯塔

            IP属地:山西6楼2013-10-13 14:35
              You must follow你必须跟着俺
              I know the way俺知道该怎么做。
              To greener pastures俺好像看见了……更绿的牧场……
              Now I'm angry!俺很生气,后果很严重!
              You can't milk those!战士的最高境界,就是不拿盾牌也能够开盾墙!
              Nothing can hold me back!没有什么可以击退我!
              Mess with the bull, and you get the horns!和公牛角力?你会尝到牛角的滋味的

              IP属地:山西7楼2013-10-13 14:35

                蒸汽机器人 - 布里兹

                IP属地:山西8楼2013-10-13 14:36
                  Fired up and ready to serve.发动机已启动,随时可以出发!
                  Metal is harder than flesh.金属比血肉更硬。
                  Bone is a poor alternative.骨头,只是可怜的替代品。
                  Look, you're leaking.看,你正在漏油。
                  Your steam is escaping.你的蒸汽正在泄漏。
                  Quake in fear, fleshling.在恐惧中颤抖吧,肉人。
                  Does that hurt?刚才那一下疼吗?
                  Exterminate! Exterminate!消灭!统统消灭!
                  Malfunction… systems powering down…发生故障……系统供电正在减弱……(渐弱地)
                  I put the "go" in "golem". <pause> That was humor. Other golems find that to be appropriately funny.召唤师,我想变形……
                  I remain focused.我还在听。
                  The magic calls to me.魔法在呼唤着我。
                  A rolling golem gathers no rust.多多活动,就不会生锈。
                  As long as it takes.顺其自然。
                  Magic and steam, guide me!魔法和蒸汽指引着我!
                  I'm squeaking. Anybody got oil?我在嘎吱作响。有谁带润滑油了么?
                  The time of man has come to an end.人类的时代该结束了!

                  IP属地:山西9楼2013-10-13 14:36

                    来自Android客户端11楼2013-10-13 14:38
                      Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!(嚼东西的声音)诺姆诺姆诺姆……
                      Ah, the tangled webs we weave!啊,我们织的那张大网!
                      Summoner, your darkness beckons!召唤师,你的心魔正在蠢蠢欲动!
                      Afraid of the dark? Wise!怕黑么?英明!
                      Your voices are scourge upon the world你的嗓音就是世界的祸害!
                      I shall bring them terror!我该给他们带点儿恐惧!
                      You are a scourge upon the world你就是世界的祸害之一!
                      The daylight! It burns!日光!好烫!
                      For the darkness黑暗万岁!
                      Death is not the end for you. I've seen to it: for eternity you are mine!对你而言,死亡并不是终结。因为你将永远成为我的一部分!

                      IP属地:山西13楼2013-10-13 14:40
                        The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.  生与死,轮回不止。我们生,而他们死。
                          Anthropomancy. Divination by entrails.  死亡祭祀就要开始。你的内脏将用来占卜。
                          I bring death.  死亡与我同在。
                          Soon, there will be nothing.  很快,这儿就什么都不会剩下了。
                          Life is part of a cycle. Yours is over.  生,是轮回的一部分。而你的这部分,已然结束了。
                          Your soul will be measured.  你们的灵魂将会被女神称量。
                          Death is a harsh mistress.  死亡,是一位严厉的女神。
                          Ain't nothing but a G-thang, dawg!  其实我是只黑道犬,汪!
                          It is but a doorway. I shall return.  这只不过是另一扇门而已。我会回来的。
                          Who let the dogs out! <woof woof woof woof>  你们觉得我像阿努比斯?拜托,他的皮肤可是黑色的!
                          There, for grace, I go.  为了恩赐,我愿意前往。
                          Where angels fear to tread.  这儿连天使都不敢踏足。
                          It is never-ending.  这事儿永远都不会停息。
                          Their death awaits.  他们的死亡就要降临了。
                          If it is your wish.  如果你想要的话。
                          Yes, Summoner.  遵命,召唤师。
                          Do not try my patience.  不要考验我的耐心。
                          Your legacy shall drift away, blown into eternity like the sands of the desert.  你的遗体将慢慢消散,化为永恒,就像沙漠中的沙砾那样。

                        IP属地:山西15楼2013-10-13 14:42
                          The power of the wind is at your command风之化身听候您的差遣。
                          The wrath of the sky is upon you天空的愤怒将你笼罩!
                          The storm approaches风暴就要来临了!
                          Their winds unleashed它们的风儿已经发动了!
                          Say hello to the winds of change向变革之风问声好吧!
                          I can smell your demise我可以闻到你身上的死亡气息。
                          YoThe power of the wind is at your command风之化身听候您的差遣。
                          Scatter my ashes in the wind让我的骨灰随风飘荡……
                          My time has come大限……已至……
                          As you wish如你所愿。
                          Let the winds take me风呀,带我一程吧!
                          I float on wings of truth真理之翼与我同在。
                          The forecast is clear预测的结果非常清楚。
                          Upon the winds I go我将随风而行。
                          Yes, I know I take your breath away没错,我知道我让你无法呼吸。
                          And you thought it was just a harmless breeze!你还以为它只是一阵无害的微风么?ur forecast is not good你的预测并不怎么准嘛!

                          IP属地:山西17楼2013-10-13 14:44

                            殇之木乃伊 - 阿木木

                            IP属地:山西18楼2013-10-13 14:46
                              I thought you'd never pick me我还以为你从来都不会选我呢……
                              Where are we going?我们这是要去哪?
                              Hey! Come back!嘿!快回来!
                              Let's find some friends!我们去找点儿朋友吧!
                              Mummy? Daddy?妈妈?爸爸?
                              Daddy? Mummy?爸爸?妈妈?
                              Where are we going?我们这是要去哪?
                              Let's be friends forever!让我们做好朋友吧
                              Come play with me来和我玩吧
                              Let me give you a hug真可怜,让我抱抱你……

                              IP属地:山西19楼2013-10-13 14:46