J2 panel (推特么,大家知道的,有的语焉不详,有的只说半句,有的打错字,所以一切请以视频为准) @PadaAholic jared introduced as bootsie larkland and jensen as pudgy midway #vancon j2 panel开场时,jared被介绍为Bootsie Larkland. Jensen则是pudgy midway (注,此 con上一众演员都被起了咳咳。。。艺名,以前的con上也有过,不过不像这次大规模。Pudgy midway…矮胖的游乐场,摔,谁干的!小声说,好像是jensen自己起的) @allebsupernova J2! Fan talking about how Dean cries "so pretty." LOL #VanCon jensen: I'm a victim of my talents 粉丝提到dean哭起来太漂亮了。Jensen:我是我横溢才华的牺牲品。 @Naficeh Jared left the stage. Jensen: "I can't do this without you. Come back Jared come back. So many flashing lights." #VanCon Jared离开了舞台。Jensen:回来啊,没有你我独木难支。Jared回来了,“好多闪光灯啊” @Fangasm_SPN Jensen: now that he's back I'm good. #moreawwww #vancon Jensen:现在他回来了,我好多了。
Winchester Bros @WinchesterBros 15m Normally when Jensen cries there's snot and spit and a big mess. #vancon 通常jensen哭的时候,眼泪鼻涕一大把。 Winchester Bros @WinchesterBros 16m ? for Jensen, did you cry so pretty the first time that you had to keep doing it? He says he can't do the single tear on call. #vancon 给jensen的问题:是不是因为第一次你哭的太漂亮了所以后来不得不老哭啊?jensen:我也做不到一让我哭我就能一滴泪啊。 “Jensen initially read for the Sam part, then he told them he wanted to audition for the guy who cries a lot. Jared said he wanted to audition for the guy who hooks up with the Ruby chick.” -@WinchesterBros Jensen 一开始是试镜sam的。然后他告诉他们他想试一下那个老是哭的家伙。Jared说他想要试镜那个后来和ruby小妞搞到一起的家伙。 I said I wanna be the character that cries a lot and so I broke down crying and they gave me the role [of dean] Jensen: 我说我想演那个老是哭的角色然后开始嚎啕大哭然后他们就把这角色给我了。 Winchester Bros @WinchesterBros They said no more crying questions. Fan asks about the upcoming football season and both start crying. #vancon J2说不要再问关于哭的问题啦。粉丝就问即将到来的橄榄球季,j2同时开始(装)哭。