-August 23nd- Sunny in both Korean and Toronto
So it has been a long and tiring day for me. I'm glad that I have finally got myself arrived in Canada. Waterloo turns out to be a nice place indeed to be studied in, and I just can't believe that I'm actually made to this stage alive. So why, thanks! The goddess of luck~ Honestly, there were a lot of places in which I could make mistakes that I didn't.

The orientation starts at September the 1st, while the international student life 101 starts at August the 28th. It turns out that I'm the first Chinese international student on campus there which kinda intimidated me at the first place. It even surprises me that despising of how brave and outgoing my personalities are, I was actually felling really nervous and don't know what to say.

Indeed I was speechless. I don't know what to say, and my words don't know what they have told. No matter how much you can speak your English, I've found that bit of excitement and sense of lost can jam your system. I was literally phrasing my sentences two times before actually spit it out, and guess what, they still don't make my meaning clear. I feel myself lost, even after these several years of ultimate loneliness, still is vulnerable to a new surrounding with no people clinging to.

Actually, what's really scaring me is that there are upper years students here on campus. I know this may sounds sissy, but dude to my pathetic childhood experiences, I've developed a specified fear for elder teenagers. I don't like teenagers who are older than me that's in the same school, for they just means nothing but troubles. Teenagers these age are arrogant, self-centred, and aggressive. They never learn how to observe people around them and the importance to tolerant others… Which is something that I was forced to learned a long time ago, through the hard way.

Gladly, it turned out that the stuff people here is beyond friendly to me. In fact, they are just so easy to get along with that I'm seriously taking them as one of the first year freshmen. Speaking of which, I still haven't heard from Austin yet since the last time when he emailed me.
Austin is my new roommate of the year. I thought he is an Australian just because that would be an alliteration right there… He is all like me---- out going, shinning, and humours, which made us both believed that we can become really good friends. Although I doubt about wether he understand what's under my mask, but I've made up my mind to back him up anyway. Although it is up to him to decide what his attitude towards me is, I've decided to just be the person whom I want myself to be.

I have never been too secure about other people's positive attitude towards me, and that has driven me almost crazy. You know, the most horrible thing on earth is that when someone who makes you fell really important just ignores you at the second second, so thanks to my extended period of loneliness, I've learned to never give others chances to hurt me easily. And that's exactly what's so different about those westerners form Chinese---- they speak god-level English and they constantly ignores you the next second after he makes you ego boosts. Guess maybe that's why eastern women can't quite handle their marriages with western men.

So today is a long day, combining the one day we had in Korean and the other day I had in Canada. It was shown on the message board that the aircraft was traveling at 638 mph, which is equivalent to 983 km/h most of the time. Interesting hey? I don't know why but I've found these two numbers are quiet the opposite. Yeah, so I've found that if you dig deep down into your life, every day is slightly shifted and has it own fun facts for you to observe, the knowledge.

They've kindly offered me two meals online---- one "breakfast" and one "dinner". They aren't the real thing for It was midnight around 1o'clock and 5 o'clock when the meal bus comes. Both of those had Salad with them, which is perfect making up for my running-low vegetable meter except they both had sliced raw fish as their toppings. I used to be allergic to all fishes, and that habit fails as time flies…. too bad not my puking desire for all seafood. Those raw fishes are gross, I barely had any, and by barely had any, I mean I finished all of them, as a mean of replenish my leaking protein.
Talking about food, I went to a grocery store today right after I settled down at my residence. It's a medium sized supermarket that's about 15 minutes' walk away from my living spot. The stuff there are just soooooo not eastern that I barely recognize the stuff they sold there. I got the cheapest bread($1.49) and the largest bottle of orange juice($3.99), which only ended up costing me $5 thanks to a 10%off free-membership card that I applied. It's available to all waterloo students and can be gotten for free if you have a few minutes to spare. It will proven its worthiness by the time given here---- 5 years. That's just about as long as how long university life lasts.
One remarkable thing is that I got on to Facebook and texted Jora, my rival back in grade 10 and grade 11. It was a long story. At first, since both of us are those super hard working type of students, we admire each other's effort and backs each other up. But thanks to my inability to tolerant her temper, I had made her a desperate foe other than a friendly ally. We could become really close friends, may be even Bill-level close, but all are gone thanks to my immaturity back then. It has destroyed a potentially great fellowship by destroying it mercilessly inside the creedal. It has been years and she told me that she actually got into University of Toronto, right next to my university…. Ironically, this pair of should-be-friends enemies ended up closest to each other, and her level of ability is superior than most…. potential even her boyfriend. Yes, now pretty much all my schoolmates are paired up, leaving only me behind in this lonely world… Heck! What was I talking about? I'm not lonely, for I know she would always be there guarding me….. Well, may be not she, but my conjured illusions of her at least.

You see, I've always benign driven by an urge of twisted positive energy. Yeah, loneliness is deemed negative, so I do not make myself alone. Teenagers don't know how to tolerate each other, so I ordered onion salad with out sauce and ate all the onion out right in one shot as dinner. And I swallowed.