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Full Speed AheadAugust 12, 2013 1:04 pm EDTQ&A with Jeremy Lin on offseason improvement, mental toughness and putting everything in proper perspective
Jason Friedman

HOUSTON - You likely need no introduction to the Jeremy Lin story. Since he burst onto the international stage in early 2012, his every pass, dribble and shot have been dissected in ways the 24-year-old never could have imagined or braced for back when he was entering the league as an undrafted rookie out of Harvard. Now, however, the newness of that unexpected fame has faded, making way for a new normal: a reality that’s less about learning how to handle life beneath the microscope and more intent upon his perpetual quest for self-improvement – both on and off the court.
Rockets.com’s Jason Friedman caught up with Lin over the weekend, and what follows is a transcript of a conversation touching upon everything from the intricacies of playing the point guard position to accepting the elements of life that lie outside of his control.

IP属地:美国1楼2013-08-13 09:40回复

    JCF: How would you compare this summer to last year’s? I know last year was so chaotic for you, not just switching teams, but also having to rehab coming off of knee surgery. I assume this offseason has been a completely different experience for you from that standpoint.
    JL: Last year was a lot more rehab-oriented. Last year was actually a very frustrating summer of training because I was supposed to be ready a lot earlier, but the first two to three months of the summer just didn’t go as planned. This summer has been filled with great health, allowing me to work on different things every day. It’s been a lot easier in terms of knowing what each day is going to bring; I’m not sitting here guessing whether my knee is going to feel good or if I’m going to be able to do this or that. I know what I’m doing, I have a great team around me, and this year things have been so much more focused and everything’s been going according to plan.

    IP属地:美国2楼2013-08-13 09:52
        .*★ *. *..*   ★
        ★  那谁,我爱你
          ‘★.   ★’

      来自Android客户端4楼2013-08-13 10:04

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端5楼2013-08-13 10:05

          JCF: And this is something that is designed to help you more on the defensive end?
          JL: Yeah, the idea is not so much to be more upright, but to have less concave of a back. One example is that if you look at Derek Fisher in his stance, he looks like an athlete. If you look at me, I look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame (laughs).
          JL:是啊,这个不是想那会多么更加挺拔,但少沟背。一个例子是,如果你看一下德里克 - 费舍尔(老鱼)他的站姿,他看起来像一个运动员。如果你看看我,我看起来像巴黎圣母院的驼背(笑)。

          IP属地:美国8楼2013-08-13 10:16

            IP属地:上海9楼2013-08-13 10:32

              IP属地:澳大利亚11楼2013-08-13 10:41

                JCF: Well you’re a Harvard guy, so you should be used to cramming for tests and then acing them, right?
                JCF:嗯,你是哈佛的家伙,所以你应该很熟悉用恶补来应付测试,然后拿到“A" (美国的优)对不对?
                JL: (laughs) Not the acing part, but the cramming part is definitely something I’m familiar with.

                IP属地:美国13楼2013-08-13 10:53

                  JCF: The last time we spoke was when you were in LA and the team’s informal mini-camp had just begun. I’ve talked to people who were there and watched you play, and the consensus seems to be that you were looking quicker and stronger than ever before. Are you able to gauge where you’re at as a player versus where you want to be from workouts like that?
                  JL: It’s tough to say because it’s so different in the summer. People’s mentalities are different, the intensity isn’t the same, there is no structure and so you get a lot of people freelancing and some people are just naturally better at that than others. So only so much can be taken from that.
                  For me, my focus is just to keep getting better, keep getting better and I trust that, when the time comes, the results will be there. In a lot of ways, it’s just learning to leave the unknown to God, and what I’m not that great at I’m going to keep working on it. Whether I have a good workout or a bad workout, I can say that I’ve put in the time and usually what that means is I’m getting better.
                  So I guess what I’m saying is my measure for success isn’t so much determined by how I do in those specific workouts.

                  IP属地:美国15楼2013-08-13 11:37

                    16楼2013-08-13 12:12
                      目前的点系率不是很高,请大家踊越 按赞啦

                      17楼2013-08-13 12:14

                        IP属地:中国台湾来自Android客户端19楼2013-08-13 12:35
                          感谢翻译 很长的访问

                          IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端21楼2013-08-13 13:02

                            JCF: I don’t want to ask you to give up any of your secrets, but is there one strategy for defending the pick-and-roll that you’re more wary of than others, or does it really just come down to the personnel in charge of running that strategy?
                            JL: I would say it has way more to do with the personnel. A great defender like a Tyson Chandler can play multiple types of pick-and-roll defense and do them all well whereas some guys just can’t do any of them well. And then when you look at systems, a team like San Antonio isn’t going to let you come off the pick-and-roll and get a layup, but you might see another team – and it doesn’t matter what system or coverage they run – you’re going to find a way to get a layup against them.
                            JL:我会说更多的和人员有关。像泰森 - 钱德勒这样伟大防守球员,可以做多种类型的优秀挡拆防守,而有些人一样也做不好。然后当你看系统,圣安东尼奥这样的球队是不会让你利用挡去上篮。但你可能会看到另一支球队 - 无所谓什么系统他们运行 - 你都会找到一种方式来获得上篮。
                            So much of it just comes down to who that big man is, how agile he is, how he uses his hands, how much he sells out, etc. Some guys, if you watch their feet carefully, they’ll sell out a lot of times and you can just tell when they don’t want to play defense. You can just look at their body position and know they’re not interested and know that you’re getting a layup. But you’ll never see that from a Tim Duncan.
                            所以归结到那个大个子是谁,他是如何敏捷,他如何使用他的手,他能欺骗(防守球员)多少,等等。如果你仔细观察他们的脚法,很多的时候(脚法)会出卖他们,你可以看出来什么时候他们不想防守。您可以看看他们的身体位置,知道他们没兴趣(防守你),你可以得到一个上篮(机会)。但你永远不会从蒂姆 - 邓肯看见(这样的机会)。

                            IP属地:美国22楼2013-08-13 13:18

                              IP属地:四川24楼2013-08-13 13:41