Chococpoly rules(simplified)
*2-6 players can be involved in each game
*banker should be decided
*each player will receive $2000 before start
*Roll the two dices to go to the appointed place
*when a player gets the same number on both dice three times , they go to jail
*player can buy cocoa farms to produce their own fairtrade chocolate to help promote fair trade
*prices change depend on the worlds economy
*world economy are decided by the wheel, wheel will spined in every round of game
*tax are to be paid when arrived to an owned farm
*collect $200 when pass go (speciall situations excluded )
*player who receive the most money at the end of the game will be the winner.
(Game ends when one of the player was broke or when ever the players wanted to.)
*farms will be exchange in to money at the end of calculation.
*2-6 players can be involved in each game
*banker should be decided
*each player will receive $2000 before start
*Roll the two dices to go to the appointed place
*when a player gets the same number on both dice three times , they go to jail
*player can buy cocoa farms to produce their own fairtrade chocolate to help promote fair trade
*prices change depend on the worlds economy
*world economy are decided by the wheel, wheel will spined in every round of game
*tax are to be paid when arrived to an owned farm
*collect $200 when pass go (speciall situations excluded )
*player who receive the most money at the end of the game will be the winner.
(Game ends when one of the player was broke or when ever the players wanted to.)
*farms will be exchange in to money at the end of calculation.