00:25-00:34I've tried that flip , I kinda find it easy to break it down for 3 sections,the take off,the flip itself--the rotation in the air,and the landing. 我做过侧空翻 我发现把它分成3各部分比较简单 1.起跳 2.空翻本身即空中翻转 3.落地
00:35-00:44So when it comes to the take off ,I prefer the split foot to the straight out two feet block.I find it a lot that is impact to my body especially on .And Im not finding it give me more power as well 说到起跳 我比较喜欢分腿而不是直直的并腿的垫步 我发现并腿的给我太大的冲击 而且也不是很给力