vivec吧 关注:3,900贴子:45,311
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Vivec想让Nerevar达成chim,当ruling king,把他往boethiah路线上引,但是笨笨又顽固的Hortator非要当Azura的乖乖儿,然后Vivec想,既然你这么笨,那我就杀了你吧,反正你这辈子是没戏了。
“I knew the mightiest of my issue would succumb to Muatra without argument, if only I gave him consolation first.”
34课里Vivec在Hortator面前杀死了她最强大的孩子,然后“Nerevar said, 'Now I am the mightiest of your children.'”;再看35课“The Scripture of Love”
这妥妥地是爱的谋杀啊 真是Mephala教出的好学生~~~
可惜Nerevarine貌似更笨,居然直接用“Murder Nerevar”话题对峙Vivec,我觉得Nerevarine应该这么问:“Why did Nerevar have to die?”
主线结束后Vivec说“I'm sure you will find much to occupy you”,明显不想和Nerevarine多废话啊魂谈~~~ 话说如果玩家盯着Vivec看很长时间然后他会开口说话那就好玩了~~~
总之,silly Hortator~~~

1楼2013-06-23 00:32回复