神秘的中华锅吧 关注:18贴子:345

IP属地:中国香港1楼2013-05-24 16:56回复
    manage 经济地使用,有付评价意味
    conspiracy against 反叛

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2013-05-24 16:56
      it is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying,that R at the age of 64 writes with all the characteristics of ______.
      it = to have proved
      what no body would think of denying = R at the age of 64 writes with all the characteristics of _______.
      所以空格 = at the age of 64 = maturity

      IP属地:中国香港3楼2013-05-24 17:00
        allegation 指控 phony 假的
        the judge's standing in the legal community, though shaken by phony allegations of wrongdoing, emerged, at long last, _______.
        though后面写的对judge's standing in the legal community付评价,所以主句对其正评价,主句没有否定标志,所以空格写正评价词 undiminished and undamaged

        IP属地:中国香港4楼2013-05-25 20:34
          shore up = 支持
          skittish 易激动的
          restive 焦躁不安的

          IP属地:中国香港5楼2013-05-26 16:21
            anything other than = 只不过,仅仅是
            Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything other than a ______ solution to the company's financial woes.
            无视了mismanagement and inefficiency, 仅仅能conclude (负评价形容词)solution.

            IP属地:中国香港6楼2013-05-28 23:55
              6楼 再修正
              Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything other than a ______ solution to the company's financial woes.
              anything other than = 不仅仅是,表否定。
              only 表前后条件因果,IGNORE MISMANAGEMENT AND INEFFICIENCY可当做investor对company的正评价,所以后面也是正评价。后面有且只有一个否定标志anything other than,所以空格填否定形容词以逆转逻辑。
              感谢6楼的G友,这个题目确实比较绕。首先only表前后逻辑关系,ignore表分句内部负评价的逻辑标志杂糅确实比较罕见,anything other than在这里也卡一下。

              IP属地:中国香港7楼2013-05-29 17:55
                Although Irish literature continued to flourish after the sixteenth century, a _____ tradition is _____ in the visual arts: we think about Irish culture in terms of the word, not in term of pictorial images.
                空1: forgotten, ingrained, comparable
                空2: superfluous, absent, apparent
                literature和word是同一个东西,pictorial image和visual arts是同一个东西。冒号后面表示I的literature比visual arts好,冒号前应同意重复。对visual arts负评价并且和literature产生对比关系。所以空1填comparable表对比,理解成“相当的,差不多的"。ingrain根深蒂固,逻辑上无关。
                空2填动词表示对 "visual arts is comparable with literature" 的负评价。superfluous意思不通,absent负评价,apparent正评价,所以absent正解。

                IP属地:中国香港8楼2013-06-01 17:43
                  词汇的熟练度还是关键,重中之重。其实对逻辑关系的梳理都是对词汇不过关这个短板的权宜之计。如果一路读过去都很顺畅比如 小张是个 _____ 的人,他总是毫无保留地帮助别人。
                  从母语的直觉出发空格自然是填 "乐于助人"。
                  但是如果对于 "毫无保留地"这个词理解不到位,就需要去分析整个句子,逗号前后同意重复,"保留"是个负评价词, "毫无"是否定标志,于是后半句就是对 “他帮助别人”的正评价,所以前句也是正评价,于是得出应该填类似passionate, helpful, enthusiastic, wholehearted之类的词。再看后面的句意才得出应该是 helpful。

                  IP属地:中国香港9楼2013-06-01 17:53
                    The sweep of narrative in A. N. Wilson's biography of C. S.
                    Lewis is impressive and there is much that is acute and well
                    argued. But much in this work is careless and unworthy of its
                    author. Wilson, a novelist and an accomplished biographer,
                    has failed to do what any writer on such a subject as Lewis
                    ought to do, namely work out a coherent view of how the
                    various literary works by the subject are to be described and
                    commented on. Decisions have to be made on what to look at
                    in detail and what to pass by with just a mention. Wilson has
                    not thought this problem out. For instance, Till We Have
                    Faces, Lewis' treatment of the Eros and Psyche story and one
                    of his best-executed and most moving works, is merely
                    mentioned by Wilson, though it illuminates Lewis' spiritual
                    development, whereas Lewis' minor work Pilgrim's Regress is
                    looked at in considerable detail.
                    Wilson has not thought this problem out. 这句话里的this指代前句内容。后面的for instance,对举例后面部分取主语略读。其中的两个作品名称稍微留心定位下就好。

                    IP属地:中国香港10楼2013-06-01 23:55
                      In Hardy‘s novels, various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often. Inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the way that novelists such as Line Flaubert or James cared, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower. In this instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one, and thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly. When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style—that sure index of an author‘s literary worth—was certain to become verbose.

                      IP属地:中国香港12楼2013-06-05 20:41
                        Which of the following words could best be ubstituted for ―relaxed‖ (line 13) withoutsubstantially changing the author‘s meaning?
                        (A) informal(B) confined(C) risky(D) wordy(E) metaphoric
                        The passage supplies information to suggest that ts author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the novelists Flaubert and James?
                        (A) They indulged more impulses in their novels than did Hardy in his novels.
                        (B) They have elicited a greater degree of favorable response from most literarycritics than has Hardy.
                        (C) In the writing of their novels, they oftentook pains to effect a compromise among their various novelistic impulses.
                        (D) Regarding novelistic construction, they cared more about the opinions of othernovelists than about the opinions of ordinary readers.
                        (E) They wrote novels in which the impulse toward realism and the impulse awayfrom realism were evident in equal measure.
                        这题最然做对了可是也有点运气成分在里面。答案由instead of exacting a compromise这个插入语得出。

                        IP属地:中国香港13楼2013-06-05 20:57

                          IP属地:中国香港14楼2013-06-05 21:08
                            Hasidism is a _____ of Orthodox Judaism that _____ its rabbis in untraditional ways as spiritual leaders and workers of miracles.
                            空1: precept, branch, volume
                            空2: exalts, motivates, belies

                            IP属地:中国香港16楼2013-06-07 23:10
                              expansive = 宽泛的
                              expensive = 贵的

                              IP属地:中国香港17楼2013-06-07 23:15