Don't ever let somebody tellyou "You can't do something".You have adream you gotta protect it.《The Pursuit ofHappyness》——永远不要让任何人对你说“你不行”,你有梦想,就一定要保护好它。《当幸福来敲门》
Sometimes you need patience in order to find true happiness. It won’tcome fast and it won’t come easy, but itwill be worth it. 很多时候,为了求得真正的幸福,我们需要保持耐心。因为真正的幸福不会很快到来,也不会轻易到来,但它值得等待。
There are those moments oflife that I'll always remember. Not becausethey were important but because you werethere with me——人生中的一些时光,我永远都不会忘记,不是因为重要,而是因为曾与你一起度过。