Tryin’ to give me the finger is kinda like givin’ the spider the web. I’m just gonna spin & try to use it to my advantage. 对我竖中指,就好比给了一只蜘蛛一面网。蜘蛛结网,而我会将你的鄙视化为动力,搞出点名堂让你看看。
Why do I act like I'm all high and mighty when inside I'm dying. I am finally realizing I need help. - Going Through Changes 有时候明明已经撑不下去,奄奄一息,却还要装出一副很嗨很屌逼的样子。何苦呢?其实你是需要帮助的。
Follow me, as I lead through the darkness.Give me hope, give me strength. Come with me and I won't steer you wrong. - Mosh 跟我来,让我来指引你冲出黑暗。给我希望,给我力量,我不会误你前行。
I don't care if u r black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor.If u r nice 2 me, I'll be nice to u.不管你是白人还是黑人,异性恋还是双性恋,基佬还是拉拉,高矮胖瘦,是贫是富,只要你对我好,我就对你好
Sometimes you just gotta let shit go and say to"hell with it" and move on. 有时候对待生活中那些闹心破事,就该洒脱点,别死命纠结。说声“去你妈的”,然后继续生活。 失之坦然,得之淡然,争之必然,顺其自然。坦途在前,勿因一点障碍止步不前