I’m thankful for the talent in which God gave me and I’m thankful for the environment that he placed me.---- Never Enough 我感谢上帝赐予我的天分,并感激他把我置身于那么坎坷的境况。
To the people I forgot, u weren't on my mind for some reason and you probably don't deserve any thanks anyway. - Eminem 致我已遗忘的人:我不把你们放在心上,肯定是有原因的。你们虽曾出现在我的生命,但我连句谢谢都不会说。因为你们不配。
I see the light at the end. But every time I take a step, it gets dim. Tell me is this hell we're living in? - Hellbound 明明看到曙光就在前方,但走到前面时,眼前仍漆黑一片。请问,我们是身处地狱吗?
You're screaming as I walk out that I'll be missed. But when you spoke to people who meant the most to you, you left me off your list. - 25 to Life 离开你的时候,你哭着喊着说会一直想我。但别人问你谁对你最重要的时候,你却绝口不提我。
I found my niche, you gon' hear my voice. 'Til you sick of it, you ain't gonna have a choice. - Eminem, Rabbit Run 在说唱界里,我已找对位置站稳脚跟。只要你听说唱,就必须听到爷的歌。即使我的声音让你想吐,也别无选择。
If I could take it all back now, I wouldn't I would have did more shit that people said that I shouldn't. - Eminem, Drug Balled 即便能重来,我也不会后悔所做之事。只是遗憾没有多做些别人不让做的事。 趁年轻,朝着自己认为正确的路走到黑又何妨