尼奥宠物吧 关注:32,797贴子:950,091
  • 4回复贴,共1
原帖 http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=153613897
Hey, folks. We're posting to apologise for the boss weirdness and explain what happened.
Our apologies to Brute Squad and Order members who tried to fight this morning and couldn't. (Please don't worry about the time you've missed. We've got you covered and it won't affect your standing!) And the explanation starts............................ now!
Without giving too much away, the bosses are indeed a group effort but there is a chance that really strong players (who fight for over 3 hours and 2000+ epic rounds! How awesome is that!?) can rack up a victory and "kill" it. We'll just say that these bosses aren't your normal Neopets, and in the case of one person taking them down in a blaze of glory, said bosses would resurrect to fight again until the group brings the HP to 0 overall.
As you know, that last part didn't happen like it should have, causing Wrath and Envy to stay "defeated" for an extended period this morning. They have now been resurrected properly (and the bug fixed) and you can continue fighting to bring them down to 0 HP as a group as intended. We've also changed around some abilities to even things out a bit, FYI.
To those wondering what this means as far as the final winner goes, we'll say that ALL fighting, from Wave 1 up through these... things, is counted for your faction. One person getting a victory against a boss helps (because it's pretty awesome). Defeating your boss first as a group helps more. But these are by no means the only things contributing! Everything is taken into account. Things are pretty close right now, so if you want to win, keep fighting.
Sorry again for the extended death sequence. And good luck to anyone else attempting a massive takedown!
- The Neopets Boss Wrangling Team

1楼2013-03-16 08:26回复
    大致意思是说boss复活了然后大家可以打了= =

    2楼2013-03-16 08:30

      3楼2013-03-16 08:34

        4楼2013-03-16 08:38
          想起了UC Berkeley的朋友前两天考game logic midterm的时候教授出的extra credit 题目:
          A. 如果选B的人多 你得三分
          B. 如果选B的人多 你得一分

          5楼2013-03-16 08:44