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IP属地:中国香港1楼2012-09-16 06:02回复
    第七节课的作业真心要落泪了……学校百度上不了 1个小时之内写完叫上
    我写这些这就哭了 结果一个教室里面的美国人都问我怎么了 结果我哭着跟老师说我不会……于是老师就安慰我让我周末回家看中文翻译

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2012-09-16 06:04
      ­Name: Worksheet for PowerPoints Lesson 7 ONLINE CLASS ONLY IMPORTANT GUIDELINES FOR ONLINE DAY: · Open this document side by side with the PowerPoint for today. You will also need to the Unit 1 packet. · Read each PowerPoint and fill out the unit packet like we do in class. · Fill out this Word doc using the lecture notes in the PowerPoints (small writing at the bottom of each slide). The answers must be in your own words and NOT a copy and paste from the slide or no points will be given. Please put your answers in red instead of black. · Your first quiz is open note because it is an online day. Since you filled out the practice test as a homework assignment, that will be your test. COPY AND PASTE YOUR PRACTICE TEST at the end of this document. · UPLOAD TODAY BY 2:35. (Online day only) If not uploaded at that time, a “0” will be given and you will be marked absent from the online class today as unexcused. If you have internet trouble, call the school and leave a message for me about the problem and WRITE out your answers to put in the drawer the next class. NO LATE FREEBIES are given for online days. · When finished, save in DROPBOX or GOOGLE DRIVE. BE SURE TO CLICK SAVE AS in your DOCUMENT FILE. Lesson 7 1) Go to the MOODLE Old Testament webpage. In the TOP RIGHT HAND SIDE, it says “Today’s Devotion.” Click on today’s date and read the devotional thought. Then, using 2-3 sentences each, answer the following questions: · What is the Law in this lesson? (Where do you see your sin against God from what you have read? What disobedience needs to be confessed to the LORD?) · What is the Gospel? (What promise of forgiveness in what Jesus Christ has done to save you can be found according to what you have read?) · How can you apply what you have learned to your life now?
      2) Slide 5: Type the NEW memory verse AND the journal for that verse here: NEW Memory verse – Journal – 3) Slide 7: Answer this question from what you see in the packet from the previous lesson. What is found in this Word from God? What are two things to know as you approach God’s Word? 4) Slide 10: Read the slide and write 5 things you learned about the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5) Slide #13: Type two things learned from this slide. 1. 2.
      6) Slides #21: Answer the question by looking at the chart. 7) Slides #22: Look for the red words on the chart to answer the question. What does the Torah explain? What does the History explain? What does the Poetry explain? What does the Prophecy explain? 8) Slides #23: Although both the Hebrew and English Bibles have the same amount of books, why does the Jewish Bible say that they have less? 9) Slides #24: What do each of these names mean in English? Genesis- Exodus- 

      IP属地:中国香港3楼2012-09-16 06:04
        我真的要thanks father. 尼玛这课至今为止我才搞了个C= =

        IP属地:中国香港6楼2012-09-16 06:06
          吧主大人在么= =
          我们学校每个人都得在上课之前都得thanks father 一下……下周就得轮到我了……呜呜
          下个星期二第一节就是OT课 我还不知道要怎样回答上帝的问题呢坑爹

          IP属地:中国香港7楼2012-09-16 06:08