The Syrians and the Philistines were also known to have worshiped a Semitic
mermaid moon-goddess. The Syrians called her Atargatis while the Philistines
knew her as Derceto. It is not unusual or surprising that this moon-goddess was
depicted as a mermaid as the tides ebbed and flowed with the moon then as it
does now, and this was incorporated into the god-like personifications that we
find in their art and ancient literature. Atargatis is one of the first recorded
mermaid and the legend says that her child Semiramis was a normal human and,
because of thi Atargatis was ashamed and killed her lover. Abandoning the infant
she became wholly a fish.
mermaid moon-goddess. The Syrians called her Atargatis while the Philistines
knew her as Derceto. It is not unusual or surprising that this moon-goddess was
depicted as a mermaid as the tides ebbed and flowed with the moon then as it
does now, and this was incorporated into the god-like personifications that we
find in their art and ancient literature. Atargatis is one of the first recorded
mermaid and the legend says that her child Semiramis was a normal human and,
because of thi Atargatis was ashamed and killed her lover. Abandoning the infant
she became wholly a fish.