那年那兔那些事儿吧 关注:1,109,421贴子:26,935,696
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IP属地:江苏1楼2012-09-02 02:06回复
    1.魁北克 --- 魁北克省是加拿大最重要的省份之一,拥有全国第二大规模的经济和人口(仅次于安大略),主要语言是法语,在80年代以前一直是加拿大最富裕的地方。但两次独立公投严重伤害了当地经济,大量英语人口和企业的流失,直接造成了安省多伦多的崛起和蒙特利尔的衰落。
    2.蒙特利尔 --- 魁北克最大城市,经济中心,英法双语,居民以法裔和爱尔兰裔为主,还有大量移民。通常蒙特利尔岛东部为法语区,西部为英语区。但90年代发布了一系列法规奠定了法语在魁省官方语言的统治性地位,英语在蒙特利尔逐渐衰退。
    3.魁人党(PQ) --- 魁北克的主要政党之一,也是魁独运动的主要倡导者。进入21世纪后随着魁省经济一道逐渐衰退,目前只能获得魁省30%左右的选票支持。魁省的另一大党是自由党,这一地区也是自由党的重要票仓,目前三连桩的魁省省长Jean Charest就是自由党人,相比之下目前在联邦执政的保守党的支持率就很低。
    4.转移支付体系Transfer Payment ----- 为了平衡加拿大各地区的经济发展,促进国家的团结,联邦创立了这一体系。各省每年向该系统缴一笔钱,然后根据经济发展水平的高低,从中获得数额不等的拨款资助。
    5.福利体系---- 魁省最出名的就是他的高福利政策,我本人和家庭也曾是受益者之一。但问题是,随着经济情况的恶化,这一体系有些不合时宜,再结合联邦每年给魁省的大笔资助,经常被外省人士所抨击。

    IP属地:江苏2楼2012-09-02 02:06

      Postman Pat 19 hours ago ( 7:17 AM)
      There's no end to the economic carnage and financial waste this horrible woman will put forward to advance on her personal agenda of separation if she's elected.
      Dauvit Anthony Tetreau 19 hours ago ( 7:23 AM)
      You'd think that when Quebec is on the verge of bankruptcy, while still using the rest of Canada as a crutch, the PQ would drop the sovereignty bs. I guess the PQ doesn't care how Quebec will support itself?
      Kribby 19 hours ago ( 7:29 AM)
      Chances are they will look for international aid money to support their independence... or expect Canada to still support them even though they are a separate nation.
      Bobo Macoute 16 hours ago (10:05 AM)
      Hugo Chavez likes to throw money around to destabilize the West. I could see him having some fun.
      ChrisH75 19 hours ago ( 7:29 AM)
      When you are trying to sell a dream, you don't present the down side.
      ViableOp 19 hours ago ( 7:24 AM)
      Sovereignty is the last thing that Ms. Marois should be concerned about. As shown here, Quebec has the second worst fiscal situation among the provinces and territories in Canada:
      With a debt-to-GDP ratio that is 14 percentage points above Ontario's (the second worst offender), the Charest government has backed itself into a debt situation from which there is likely no escape.
      RightOfCentre 19 hours ago ( 7:38 AM)
      Harper needs to get Parliament to create new rules to receive transfer payments. Cut Quebec off so long as they provide services far lower than the Canadian average (daycare, post secondary education, others), and then a party who now wants to spend money to not be part of Canada.

      IP属地:江苏4楼2012-09-02 02:09

        janet2derek 8 hours ago ( 6:30 PM)
        ummm you need to educate yourself quebec has had 7$ a day day care for years now we have world class universities anything else. I saw an Ontario liberal ad for your last election saying they introdued north americas 1st all day kindergarden wrong we have had that in quebec for many many years. try again if you dare.
        RightOfCentre 7 hours ago ( 7:05 PM)
        You are correct that $7/day care has been for years, as with good universities (many of our country's universities are world class - has nothing to do with tuition either!). However - you miss the point, and it is so simple - too simple for you perhaps. You have been a taker of equalization payments for too long - just like the $7/day thing. Ontario used to be a 'have' province - and now the McGuinty's government has made it have-not, just like Quebec, and the all day kindergarden is an example of why!!
        TonyOnly 19 hours ago ( 7:39 AM)
        Montreal is a fine city. Where people of varying backgrounds have no trouble getting along with eachother.
        Montreal is also the economic engine that powers Quebec. Take Montreal money away from Quebec, and what would be left of the Québecois quality of life?
        Yet it's always Montreal that suffers from the PQ folly.
        Being the federalist stronghold in Quebec, it's not inconceivable that the people of Montreal could say, "Enough! We're not going to pay for the separatist pipedream anymore.".
        Opus Fideo 18 hours ago ( 8:27 AM)
        If Quebec separates, the Montreal will separate from Quebec.
        Postman Pat 18 hours ago ( 8:51 AM)
        They'd have to throw out the separatists in the mayors office first.
        Joseline 17 hours ago ( 9:08 AM)
        I know it sounds crazy but I many of my friends, who are politically involved have said that... We in Montreal are quite tired of the PQ antics, of the French po1ice, of not being able to choose which school to send our kids to.
        I wouldn't be surprised if a movement to separate from Quebec would start.

        IP属地:江苏5楼2012-09-02 02:09
          usFideo 19 hours ago (8:26 AM)
          Not my tax dollars. Now that she has openlyadmitted that she would use our money to support something that I am againsТWith every fibre in my body, if the PQ is elected, I will stop payingprovincial income taxes. I'll take it all the way to the supreme court if IhАVe to.
          valar84 18 hours ago ( 9:25 AM)
          Governments hАVe the right to promote theirpolicies using public funds and to use that money to help study their policiesto better define them. For example, when there was an economic stimulus programby the federal government, the Harper government spent millions promoting it inads.
          If the PQ's government had a policy of going toward sovereignty, how would thatbe any different than the Charest government using public money to buy ads innewspapers and on radio to blast students in the recent student crisis? How isit worse than Harper spending millions on trying to create a war-likenationalism, for example based on the war of 1812? Or the Chrétien governmentbeforehand financing a lot of campaigns to promote Canadian nationalism inorder to fight sovereignist sentiments in the 90s?
          OpusFideo 18 hours ago (9:32 AM)
          Because separatism is treason, which isagainst Canadian law.
          Catcherinthegin 18 hours ago ( 9:58 AM)
          Pretty stilted reply. I trust it makes youfeel good though.
          18 hours ago(10:15 AM) how is that in anyway stilted? Do you evenknow what that word means?
          valar84 18 hours ago (10:21 AM)
          In Canadian law, high treason is defined as:1- Attempting to kill or killingthe Monarch2- Levying war against Canada3- Aiding an enemy engaged in war withCanada
          Treason is defined as:1- using force or violence to overthrow the government ofCanada or of its provinces2- leaking sensitive info to people or organizationswith a purpose prejudicial to the interests of Canada (ie, an enemy).3-Conspiring or aiding someone doing high treason.
          The PQ is not attempting to kill the Queen, war is as far away from their mindsas possible and they're not aiding any enemy engaged in war with Canada. So nohigh treason. Neither is the PQ using force or violence to overthrow thefederal government, nor leaking documents to enemies or helping someone elsеcоmmit high treason.
          Therefore, the PQ's proposal for sovereignty is not treason. And Canada itselfhas defended the rights of minority populations of separating from biggercountries, including through referendums. It would be completely hypocriticalfor Canadato say "sovereignty through referendum over there is a democratic right...but over HERE it's TREASON!".

          IP属地:江苏8楼2012-09-02 02:18

            错。在加拿大曱法律中,严重叛曱国罪定义如下:1弑君 2 对加拿大发动战争 3 战时资敌普通叛曱国罪定义如下:1 暴力推曱翻联邦和各省政曱府 2 向对加拿大怀有恶意的个人或组织泄露机密 3 鼓动或帮助严重叛曱国者魁人党既没有弑君的打算,脑子里也没有战争的念头,更谈不上资敌。所以没有严重叛曱国。同时,魁人党没有暴力推齤翻政曱府,没有泄密,没有帮助严重叛曱国者,(所以也谈不上普通叛曱国)因此,魁独不算叛曱国。加拿大本身就保护少数民曱族独立的权力,包括采用公曱投等手段。如果加拿大一边说着“独立公曱投是大家的民齤主齤权力”一边把这看作叛曱国,那也太虚伪了点。
            LloydLloyd 17 hours ago(10:50 AM) In your opinion.
            If it is more than your opinion why hАVe they not been arrested yet..?
            You sound like Charest who tried that kind of heАVy-hand with Bill 78. Doesn'ТWork out so well as you would think huh.
            OpusFideo 10:58 AM on08/21/2012 You're funny... an anglo separatist.
            Ledurable 11:22 AM on 08/21/2012 Your funny an anglo anti-democrat. Becauseif it is not like i want it...i wont respect it right ? That my friend is notdemocratic.
            RDX 10:13 AM on 08/21/2012
            Most of these responses are emotional. Idon't like the idea of someone collecting tax revenue to promote separatism butprovincial tax revenue is provincial tax revenue.
            What I hАVe difficulty wrapping my head around is how the province will balanсеthe books and preserve it's significant social programs should they everseparate. Consider the exodus of both business and tax base and it does notseem to add up. Perhaps we'll see it come to fruition one day and we'll seewhat happens. As a tax payer, home owner, I personally hope this is not thecase though.

            IP属地:江苏9楼2012-09-02 02:18

              smithflight 09:45 AM on08/21/2012
              Yes you areright about QuebechАVing a GDP that is better than many European countries, but not MOST. This isthe list I came up with that were UNDER Quebecs GDP per capita numbers:
              32,051 Quebec
              31,946 Spain
              29,635 Greece
              28,237 Cyprus
              24,417 Slovenia
              21,408 Portugal
              18,288 Czech Republic
              That being said, sure Quebec could go their own way, many countries hАVe. Theyare a smart and resourceful people. The economic side would be more of achallenge over the short and medium term and perhaps into the long term, but ifthe majority people feel that threatened, held back or just unhappy, then thatis their choice.
              你说得对,魁曱北曱克的GDP确实比一些欧洲国家高,但不是大多数欧洲国家。这是一个GDP低于魁省的欧洲国家列表:魁曱北曱克 32051西班牙 31946希腊 29635塞浦路斯28237斯洛文尼亚 24417葡萄牙 21408捷克
              18288 valar84 14 hours ago (10:30 AM)
              I don't knowwhere you got those numbers, but Québec's GDP per capita in 2010 was 40395 $, not 32 051$.If I go by this, http://www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/donstat/econm_finnc/conjn_econm/revenu_personnel/rp_can-hab.htm ,Québec's GDP per capita is roughly 85% of Canada's.
              Then if I use this http://en.wik1рedia.org/wik1/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita ,which puts Canada's GDP percapita at 40 541$, that would be 34 460$ for Québec, which would put QuébecbeТWeen France and jаpan,above the European Union's АVerage.
              If I use these instead http://en.wik1рedia.org/wik1/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita andthe same 85% ratio, Québec would be a bit lower than Franceor jаpan, but higher thanthe UK and around the samelevel as Germany and Belgium.
              Global comparisons are a bigger mess than most people figure.
              mr Lyons 13 hours ago(11:17 AM)
              again, i'm not aneconomist so forgive me if i'm way off track here, but those numbers arepre-sovereignty, you'd hАVe to take account of the jobs lost from thefederalist migration.

              IP属地:江苏11楼2012-09-02 02:21
                KennethT Tellis 08:57 AM on08/21/2012
                Did I hear the sound of defecating duringthe debate? No, it was only Pauline Marois talking through her rear end.
                TrollChaser 09:01 AM on08/21/2012
                I wonder if she travels with her silentflush toilet. Made famous when she had an office in MTL.
                RDX 10:08 AM on 08/21/2012
                This was a verrry expensive bathroom updateas I recall...
                我记得 那次厕所改造花了很多很多钱
                139 Fans
                19 hours ago ( 5:10 PM)
                wasn't that mayor bourque who spent 60,000on his toilet??
                TrollChaser 7 hours ago ( 5:18 PM)
                Could be...I don't know who spends moretime in there.
                janet2derek 7 hours ago (5:38 PM)
                well if it waѕ bourque it is now tremblays.omg I just tried to look it up but had no luck. actually ended up with theanglican church. lmao I have no idea how
                HarleyOpenRoad 10:01 AM on08/21/2012
                Yeѕ, but does she have an exit strategyfrom the inter-provincial "welfare" system, better known as transferpayments? Not exactly a small amount, $8 Billion this yr, over $50 Billion inthe last decade.
                Perhaps, after Quebecseparation, she would expect the same amount from the ROC, just renamed"foreign aid".
                olssy 10:13 AM on 08/21/2012
                Well, we payabout 50 billion a year to Ottawaright now so it doesn't seem the 8 billion we get back will really make us lessrich. You do realize we pay federal taxes here, right?
                HarleyOpenRoad 11:02 AM on08/21/2012
                Okay, so youdon't understand the transfer payment concept.
                Anything else?
                LloydLloyd 11:24 AM on08/21/2012
                Yes and thedifference between what you contribute and are given is about 8B to QC'sadvantage.
                You were aware of this I hope..?
                SavoirAncien 13 hours ago(12:45 AM)
                Question for you: How much Quebec received for the 25 billionconstruction contract of war ships in Nova Scotia? Thank you case close.

                IP属地:江苏12楼2012-09-02 02:26

                  IP属地:江苏16楼2012-09-02 02:36