Postman Pat 19 hours ago ( 7:17 AM)
There's no end to the economic carnage and financial waste this horrible woman will put forward to advance on her personal agenda of separation if she's elected.
Dauvit Anthony Tetreau 19 hours ago ( 7:23 AM)
You'd think that when Quebec is on the verge of bankruptcy, while still using the rest of Canada as a crutch, the PQ would drop the sovereignty bs. I guess the PQ doesn't care how Quebec will support itself?
Kribby 19 hours ago ( 7:29 AM)
Chances are they will look for international aid money to support their independence... or expect Canada to still support them even though they are a separate nation.
Bobo Macoute 16 hours ago (10:05 AM)
Hugo Chavez likes to throw money around to destabilize the West. I could see him having some fun.
ChrisH75 19 hours ago ( 7:29 AM)
When you are trying to sell a dream, you don't present the down side.
ViableOp 19 hours ago ( 7:24 AM)
Sovereignty is the last thing that Ms. Marois should be concerned about. As shown here, Quebec has the second worst fiscal situation among the provinces and territories in Canada:
http://viableopposition.blogspot.ca/2012/05/quebecs-fiscal-situation-necessity-of.htmlWith a debt-to-GDP ratio that is 14 percentage points above Ontario's (the second worst offender), the Charest government has backed itself into a debt situation from which there is likely no escape.
RightOfCentre 19 hours ago ( 7:38 AM)
Harper needs to get Parliament to create new rules to receive transfer payments. Cut Quebec off so long as they provide services far lower than the Canadian average (daycare, post secondary education, others), and then a party who now wants to spend money to not be part of Canada.