Instant hot ice 瞬时结热冰 For this experiment you will need:Sodium Acetate (available easily online)Water + Pan这个实验你需要:乙酸钠(网上可容易买到(译者注:不知道中。国。国。情。)),水和锅。 Dissolve the sodium acetate in nearly boiling water until no more absorbs into the liquid.将乙酸钠溶于将要沸腾的水里,直到剩余固体再也不能溶解。(译者注:即制作乙酸钠饱和溶液,所以一开始没有给出所需乙酸钠的量) Stir constantly 经常搅拌 When dissolved pour into glass and cool in the fridge.制作好溶液后倒入玻璃里,并放到冰箱里冷却。 Make sure leftover undissolved chemical stays in the pan.保证剩下含不能溶解的固体的溶液要留在锅里。(即未溶的固体不要倒进杯里) Pour into tray.冷却好后的溶液倒进盘里。 Now touch it. 现在碰它。 Instant ice. 瞬时结冰。 The reaction is exothermic, which means it gets warm. It's often found in hand warmers. But using it to sculpt is far more fun!这个反应是放热反应,也就是说会变热。通常用于暖手的东西里。但是如果用于雕塑则更好玩!Thanks for watching.