Around 200kms (or an hour on the superfast choo-choo) from Shanghai is Hangzhou, featuring a huge bloody big lake that we can't find. 上海到杭州大约200kms(或者算成1个小时的超快高铁)。杭州有一个挺大的湖,但是我们就是没找到。
The population of Hangzho is a mere 7.8 million, compared to the 17 or so million in Shanghai. It feels like a country town by comparison. The star attraction is the West Lake, which is impressive once we find the thing. But we love the city itself, it feels a million miles from Shanghai. The Lonely Planet says we should stay by the lake but screw you Tony Wheeler, we're staying up in the ye olde part of town where hoardes of local tourists and Shanghai weekenders wander around to buy snacks and souvenirs. In fact we spend the whole day wandering around and we can't even find the lake, it's a huge bloody great thing too. Instead we eat. 杭州的人口只有780万,和上海的1700万比起来,这里感觉上像个小镇。西湖是这里的明星景点,当我们最后终于找到它时,确实给我们留下了深刻印象。但是,我们也喜欢杭州这个城市。这里和上海的风格完全不同。 《孤独星球》告诉我们说我们应该住在湖边上,去你妈的Tony Wheeler (译者注:《孤独星球》出版商),我们就住在杭州的一个老城区,那里有大量的游客和从上海来度周末的人,到处都可以买到小吃和纪念品。事实上,我们花了一天在附近游荡,因为我们怎么都找不到西湖。随便说下,西湖其实很大。但是,我们光顾着吃了。
We stop at the first random place we can find to eat, even if the mascot is a rat in a chef's hat. Shawn is grumpy hungry, or hungry grumpy. 我们随机找了第一家店,虽然那店的吉祥物是个戴着帽子的老鼠。Shawn饿得发疯,或者说疯了似得饿着
This joint has a canteen vibe, buy a ticket and take it to the lady, scratch your head for five minutes trying to figure out what's going on. 这个地方是盛传中的食堂,买一张小票,递给阿姨,然后花了5分钟摸不着头地想弄明白到底发生了什么。
Voila! A plain, simple stomach filler for around a big $1. In 1970's Australia this was called 'short soup'. 天阿!一碗简单清淡的充饥物,只要1澳元。在1970年代的澳大利亚,这个被叫做“小汤”。